Albert Straus, Straus Family Creamery

Founder and Executive Chair, Straus Family Creamery

Albert Straus is the Founder and Executive Chair of Straus Family Creamery – the first 100% certified organic creamery in the United States. He founded the Creamery in 1994, while his farm, the Straus Dairy Farm, became the first certified organic dairy west of the Mississippi River.

Albert has been a leader in sustainable organic farming practices for many decades. He is committed to creating a carbon-neutral organic dairy farming model on the Straus Dairy Farm. This internationally recognized model extends to Straus Family Creamery’s 12 other supplying dairy farms, which are on the path to being carbon neutral by 2030.

Climate-positive farming innovations at Albert’s farm include a methane digester, which converts cow waste into renewable energy for on-farm vehicles, including the first full-scale electric feed truck; a carbon farming program designed to measure and optimize carbon capture; and a first-of-its-kind trial at his farm in 2021, testing red seaweed to dramatically reduce enteric methane emissions.