Positions available

Policy/Advocacy Fellow

The OFRF Policy/Advocacy Fellow is a full-time, non-exempt, one-year position (with the possibility of a longer-term extension) based in Washington, D.C.  The Policy/Advocacy Fellow’s role is to coordinate and implement legislative and regulatory campaigns that support the needs of organic farmers. The fellow will monitor federal policy, educate policymakers about the benefits of organic farming, advocate for the needs of organic growers, and engage farmers and researchers in the policy-making process. Read More…

Internship positions available

Policy & Communications Intern, Spring 2025

The Policy & Communications Intern will support the development of outreach materials related to increasing access to technical and financial assistance for organic and transitioning-to-organic farmers; identify opportunities for farmers and researchers to build community and network with each other; and develop materials to help educate impacted communities about the importance of public investments into organic agriculture research. This internship may be altered depending on the candidate’s background and interests. Read more…

Graduate Research & Education (R&E) Intern, Spring 2025

The R&E Intern will support the development of research and educational materials for organic and transitioning-to-organic farmers; support the development of a new online research hub for organic farmers through identifying peer-reviewed relevant research, cataloging existing resources, and reviewing, organizing, and developing resources and outreach materials; and provide assistance on other research and education program work, such as the Farmer-Led Trials Program, as needed. Read more…

General Internships

OFRF periodically hosts part-time internships. Depending on our current needs and your area of interest, the position can focus on development, communications, and/or administrative tasks. Interns can receive academic credit in exchange for 12-15 hours of work per week. While we ask interns to help us with the critical day-to-day tasks that keep our organization running, we are committed to offering interesting work and learning opportunities.

Development Activities may include:

  • foundation research and correspondence
  • proposal writing and editing
  • donor prospect research and tracking
  • online fundraising strategy creation

Administrative Activities may include:

  • participating in an ongoing effort to update and maintain our national organic grower database
  • general database entry
  • filing and other general office duties.

Communication Activities may include:

  • developing outreach materials
  • reviewing publications, media clippings and other informational materials for relevance to OFRF’s work
  • responding to information requests
  • developing media citation packets
  • maintaining media contacts
  • answering phones
  • sending and tracking OFRF publication orders

email: jobs@ofrf.org
please attach your resume in Microsoft Word or PDF format