Webinar Series on Soil Health Now Available On-Demand

May 30, 2019 – OFRF’s wildly popular webinar series on soil health and organic farming is now archived and available to view on-demand. Registration numbers for the live webinars were off the charts, causing eOrganic to have to upgrade their platform to handle the volume. Thousands of farmers, agriculture professionals, and researchers from 48 states and 14 countries attended the live webinars. The archived versions have been viewed over 7,000 times!

The webinars align with topics covered in OFRF’s Soil Health and Organic Farming Guidebooks to explore the most recent research on soil health practices, while offering practical guidelines for building healthy soil.




Building Organic Matter for Healthy Soils: An Overview
The attributes of healthy soil, the central role of organic matter, and how to monitor and enhance soil health in organic production.

“New to farming, I have struggled to grasp some of the concepts of building and maintaining good soil. The ‘light’ went on while watching this webinar.”
Watch now.

Weed Management: An Ecological Approach
Integrated organic weed management tools and practices that give crops the edge over weeds, build soil health, and reduce the need for soil disturbance.

“These workshops are really helpful. I’m an organic seed farmer, so I’ve been able to access a treasure trove of information about growing organic, running variety trials, and plant breeding.”
Watch now.

Practical Conservation Tillage
The impacts of tillage on soil health, including practical, soil-friendly tillage practices for organic systems.

“It was a GREAT webinar! Thanks so much for making it available to those of us in isolated areas! Mark was one of the best presenters I have seen. He is both so very practical and up on the science and all the latest data.”
Watch now.

Cover Crops: Selection and Management
Selecting the best cover crops, mixes, and management methods for soil health, including crop rotations and cropping system biodiversity.

“This was a great webinar. I appreciated it wasn’t overly technical and easy to follow. Thank you!”
Watch now.

Plant Genetics: Plant Breeding and Variety Selection
Plant breeding and variety selection for performance in sustainable organic systems, including nutrient and moisture use efficiency, competitiveness toward weeds, and enhanced interactions with beneficial soil biota.
Watch now.

Water Management and Water Quality
The role of soil health and organic soil management in water conservation and water quality.

“Extremely good! This speaker was excellent and presented the material in a useful and informative fashion. I will most likely go back and watch it again and recommend it to others.”
Watch now.

Nutrient Management for Crops, Soil, and the Environment
The role of soil health and the soil food web, including practical guidelines for optimizing crop nutrition, minimizing adverse environmental impacts of organic fertility inputs, and adapting soil test-based nutrient recommendations (especially N) for organic systems.

“Keep doing webinars, they are very helpful, organized, and well delivered. I have gotten a lot out of this particular series.”
Watch now.

Organic Practices for Climate Mitigation, Adaptation, and Carbon Sequestration
Practical guidelines for optimizing the organic farm’s “carbon footprint” and adaptability to climate disruptions already underway.

“I’m glad climate change and farming was a major topic. Here in the interior of Alaska, we see the effects of climate change every day.”
Watch now.

Understanding and Managing Soil Biology for Soil Health and Crop Production
The functions of the soil food web and key components in promoting soil health and fertility and sustainable organic crop production, with research-based guidance on organic practices and NOP-approved inputs for improved soil food web function.

“Excellent knowledgeable speaker. Exactly information that I was interested in for my small farm and goal of soil improvement.”
Watch now.

Download the guidebooks.

Thank you to the Clarence E. Heller Charitable Foundation for supporting this project