How Hosting NRCS Farm Tours Can Open Doors for Organic Farmers
Offering real-world conservation planning for NRCS staff can open doors for organic farmers. Farmshare Austin shares their recent tour experience and tips for hosting your own NRCS farm tour.
Agricultural Runoff: Organic Practices as a Method for Marine Conservation
This month, our Policy & Programs intern takes a deep dive into the intersection of agriculture and marine health, highlighting how agricultural runoff impacts our oceans and estuaries. As a Religious Studies major and Oceanography minor, Jazea's unique perspective bridges land and sea, offering insights into the consequences of conventional farming practices on marine ecosystems, and the solutions that organic systems offer.
Advancing Organic Agriculture: Sharing Fire Blight Research with Rep. DeLauro’s Office
Dr. Quan Zeng is a plant pathologist, focusing on bacterial plant pathogens, specifically Erwinia amylovora, the cause of fire blight. Federal funding for organic agricultural research is crucial to continue this type of research, which equips farmers with solutions to production challenges that threaten their economic viability.
Returning to My Roots
As his internship with the OFRF comes to an end, Dakota Moore reflects on the experiences and lessons that have shaped him as a farmer, advocate, and organic professional. From supporting cutting-edge research to presenting in webinars, his internship has been "a transformative journey, equipping me with the tools to revitalize my family farm and pursue a career advancing sustainable agriculture."
A Landscape Shift: Opportunities and Challenges for Organic Agriculture Under a Trump Administration
What do this year’s election results mean for the Organic Farming Research Foundation and organic agriculture at large? With a Trump presidency and a solid, multi-seat Republican majority in the Senate, the USDA will likely be shaped and directed in line with the new administration’s vision.
Farmer-Led Trials Program Spotlight: Trouvaille Farm
Lindsay Klaunig runs Trouvaille Farm in southeastern Ohio, raising grass-fed beef and goats, heirloom crops, and fruit trees. As a seed grower, Lindsay is participating in OFRF's Farmer-Led Trials (FLT) Program to answer the question "Will using shade cloth improve fruit set in pepper plants grown for seed?" And if so, will that lead to early mature harvest and overall higher yields?
Charting a Bold Path Forward
We're proud to share our newly approved 5-year strategic plan (2024-2029), which will drive innovation in organic farming, foster climate resilience, and advance sustainable agriculture.
OFRF Hosts Congressional Organic Research Field Day at USDA Salinas ARS Station
OFRF recently hosted a Congressional Organic Research Field Day at the USDA’s ARS Salinas station, bringing together Representatives Lofgren (CA-18) and Panetta (CA-19) to highlight the importance of ongoing organic farming research.
Planting for Resilience
Farmer and OFRF Board President, April Thatcher discusses the critical role that cover crops play in building soil health and resiliency in a farm ecosystem. Discover the lessons she's learned from years of cover cropping, and the new cover cropping resources that OFRF has available for farmers.
First Frost and Federal Deadlines
Discover why the Farm Bill and federal appropriations processes are crucial for organic agriculture and climate resilience. Learn how pending deadlines could impact funding for vital agricultural research and conservation programs. Join us in advocating for increased investment in organic practices that benefit farmers, researchers, and communities alike.