Organic in the Media

Organic in the Media2022-12-02T18:16:27+00:00

News From Other Sources

There’s a lot going on in the world of organic farming. Our community is always striving to grow and educate. We’ll aggregate and share other organic news from a variety of sources in this section.


Highlights from EcoFarm 2023

Kelsey Grimsley, OFRF Office Manager and Program Administrator, recently attended the 43rd annual EcoFarm Conference. In this blog post they share their experience at the conference and some of the highlights from thought-provoking sessions and stimulating conversations happening in the organic and regenerative agriculture world.

February 13th, 2023|Categories: News|

Farmers on the Frontlines: Climate Change and the Farm Bill

Farmers and ranchers, the people who produce our food, are often on the frontlines of challenges facing our society. Among the most pressing of those issues is the changing climate and an industrial food system that prioritizes profits over the health and wellbeing of people and the planet. Because of their place on the front lines of these challenges, farmers and ranchers represent a vibrant space of innovation and creativity to meet them. The 2023 Farm Bill cycle is a ripe opportunity to make solid advances towards a just transition to a new type of production that both mitigates and adapts to our changing climate.

January 9th, 2023|Categories: Gordon's Policy Corner, News|
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