Carolyn Dimitri Appointed to NOSB Board
September 30 - OFRF is pleased to share the news that our board member, Dr. Carolyn Dimitri, an Associate Professor of Food Studies at New York University, has been appointed to the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB).
New Grant to Evaluate Use of Approved Fertilizers in Organic Tomato Crops
September 10 - OFRF has awarded a grant to Kate Scow, Director of the Russell Ranch Sustainable Agriculture Facility at the University of California Davis to evaluate the costs and benefits of using organic-approved liquid injectable fertilizers in tomato crops.
Focus Group Hosts Needed for National Survey
August 4, 2020 - OFRF and OSA are conducting a national survey of certified organic producers and producers transitioning to organic production. We are seeking applications from organizations that support certified organic and transitioning agricultural producers to facilitate and coordinate virtual focus groups.
Regional and Long-Term Agricultural Research Build Climate Resilience
July 30, 2020 - Food and agriculture research is critical to improving farm and rural viability, public health, food security, and agriculture’s potential to address the climate crisis.