News From Other Sources
There’s a lot going on in the world of organic farming. Our community is always striving to grow and educate. We’ll aggregate and share other organic news from a variety of sources in this section.
Farmer Led Trials Program Spotlight: Colby Farms
Tim and Becky Colby own Colby Farms, a 14 acre farm in Papillion, Nebraska, where they produce vegetables, fruits and some livestock products for their community. They are participating in OFRF's Farmer Led Trials (FLT) Program to research the best cover crop options for reducing soil compaction on their farm.
Growing Together, one year with the USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program
This month Gordon’s Policy Corner reflects on a year of achievements with the USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program in the West/Southwest region (TOPP-W/SW, including toolkits for accessing farmer support funding, and other resources to empower farmers transitioning to organic practices.
Beyond Buzzwords: Organic is Regenerative
The term ‘regenerative’ has gained widespread traction, but definitions vary widely. It has caught the attention of consumers interested in the impact of their food choices, and farmers and policymakers looking for ways to adapt to or mitigate climate change. But organic is already regenerative.
Organic Researcher Spotlight: Dr. Dil Thavarajah
New cultivars of pulse crops (lentils, chickpeas, and field peas) may soon be available to organic farmers! These improved varieties are under development through a project led by Dr Dil Thavarajah at Clemson State University (CSU).