Organic in the Media

Organic in the Media2022-12-02T18:16:27+00:00

News From Other Sources

There’s a lot going on in the world of organic farming. Our community is always striving to grow and educate. We’ll aggregate and share other organic news from a variety of sources in this section.


OSRI Act Introduced

Today, the Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) is happy to deliver to the leadership of Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry a letter in support of the Strengthening Organic Agriculture Research Act. OFRF and the undersigned believe this bill represents significant investments into answering research questions that organic producers continue to grapple with.  “We are excited to be able to work with Organic Champions in Congress to help ensure there are resources available to support the success of organic farmers and ranchers across the nation. Over the last [...]

July 12th, 2023|Categories: Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

Organic Agriculture & Research in a Changing Climate

This year's extreme weather events have highlighted the immediate hazards of climate change. Despite the need for action, there is a lack of urgency in Washington, D.C. to address these issues. OFRF is advocating for bills in Congress and emphasizing the crucial role of agricultural research programs.

July 7th, 2023|Categories: Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

From Fields to Research Labs: how your story can inspire change

In Vermont, the first cutting of hay is being dried and bailed, ewes and their lambs are headed to pasture, and crops are getting in the ground. In DC, marker bills are being introduced and cosponsors corralled. Sometimes with policy work it’s a hurry up and wait game! During this small lull in updates from DC, we wanted to take this opportunity to devote this month’s Policy Corner to ask you, dear reader, a favor: Can you take a moment to share your story as a researcher or a farmer interacting with organic agriculture research?

June 12th, 2023|Categories: Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

Introducing the Organic Researcher Spotlight Series

Dr. Ash Sial is an Entomologist at the University of Georgia, whose research on organic controls of insect pests of organic fruit crops was awarded OREI (Organic Agriculture Research Extension Initiative) support. OFRF sat down with Dr. Sial to get updates on the research and learn more about the collaborations between researchers and organic farmers currently being supported by OREI.

June 7th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , |
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