
Organic Farming Research Foundation works to foster the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems. OFRF cultivates organic research, education, and federal policies that bring more farmers and acreage into organic production.


Introducing the Organic Researcher Spotlight Series

June 7th, 2023|News|

Dr. Ash Sial is an Entomologist at the University of Georgia, whose research on organic controls of insect pests of organic fruit crops was awarded OREI (Organic Agriculture Research Extension Initiative) support. OFRF sat down with Dr. Sial to get updates on the research and learn more about the collaborations between researchers and organic farmers currently being supported by OREI.

The Strengthening Organic Agriculture Research Act is here!

May 25th, 2023|Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

The Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) delivered to the leadership of House Agriculture Committees a letter in support of the Strengthening Organic Agriculture Research (SOAR) Act. OFRF and the undersigned believe this bill represents significant investments into answering research questions that organic producers continue to grapple with.

Organic Week with OTA

May 12th, 2023|Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

OFRF’s Policy and Programs Manager, Gordon Merrick recently traveled to DC to participate in the Organic Trade Association’s Organic Week. He met with members of Congress from both major political parties and found that they and their staff are increasingly aware of the benefits of organic farming and why the industry deserves support from the Farm Bill.

OFRF Policy Priorities for 2023 Farm Bill & Appropriations

April 21st, 2023|Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

2023 is a big year for the food and farm systems in the United States. This year the 2018 Farm Bill expires, and a new Farm Bill must be passed. Simultaneously, the annual appropriations process is also underway. As an organization committed to the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems, OFRF is deeply involved in both the farm bill and the appropriations processes. We are working hard to advocate for organics at every turn. This article explains OFRF's policy priorities for the current Farm Bill and Appropriations negotiations processes.

On the ground in DC, Farm Bill updates, and more

April 13th, 2023|Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

It has been a busy spring in the policy world this year! With “marker bill season” fully upon us, OFRF is actively working with our coalition and congressional partners to advocate for expanded public support for organic agriculture research. Read more about what our Policy & Programs Director, Gordon Merrick has been up to this spring, including flying to DC with the National Organic Coalition, hosting a series of workshops on Communicating with Legislators, and amplifying the need for continued research on organic farming.





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