Climate and Agriculture Legislation Roundup
October 8 - As severe weather events and wildfires have ravaged the country and the presidential election nears, the climate crisis continues to be a major topic of discussion on Capitol Hill.
Navigate the Complex World of Soil Health
October 7 - Our free series of guidebooks and webinars on soil health provide up-to-date, science-based information to help guide you in your efforts to build and sustain the health of our most valuable resource, soil.
New Grants Examine Organic Weed and Pest Management Strategies
October 1 - OFRF has awarded new grants to farmer/researcher collaborations at the Georgia Organic Peanut Association and the University of Idaho.
Carolyn Dimitri Appointed to NOSB Board
September 30 - OFRF is pleased to share the news that our board member, Dr. Carolyn Dimitri, an Associate Professor of Food Studies at New York University, has been appointed to the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB).
New Grant to Evaluate Use of Approved Fertilizers in Organic Tomato Crops
September 10 - OFRF has awarded a grant to Kate Scow, Director of the Russell Ranch Sustainable Agriculture Facility at the University of California Davis to evaluate the costs and benefits of using organic-approved liquid injectable fertilizers in tomato crops.
Organic for Climate Research Priorities
September 1, 2020 - OFRF’s organic research priorities focus on ensuring public research investments respond to the top challenges facing organic farmers and ranchers and producers who want to farm more sustainably, while also advancing organic agriculture’s contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Beginning Farmer Training Program Now Available
August 26, 2020 - OFRF’s free online training program is now available! Please help us get the word out on this new resource. We are looking for feedback and ask that anyone who takes the section also completes the brief surveys at the end.
Cover Crops for Weed Management
August 18, 2020 - Cover crops can suppress weeds and build soil health, but how and when to terminate cover crops is not straightforward. In 2019, OFRF provided a grant to Professor Alex Woodley at North Carolina State University to begin addressing this question in sweet potatoes.
A-Frame Farm
August 6, 2020 - Luke and Ali Peterson farm 500 certified organic acres employing practices such as cover cropping, minimal tillage, and crop livestock rotation toward the goal of becoming self-sustaining and truly regenerative.
Organic for Climate Policy Recommendations
August 6, 2020 - As conversations around the climate crisis continue to evolve on Capitol Hill, OFRF wants to ensure that climate legislation includes support for organic agriculture given its many climate benefits.