Latest OFRF News
The Impact of Agricultural Research on USDA Conservation Programs
Climate change threatens our food supply. Underfunding of agricultural research hinders efforts to protect our environment and support farmers, but organic agriculture can play a critical role in building resilience.
Ensuring a Sustainable Future With My Legacy to OFRF
Discover how planned giving to OFRF ensures a sustainable future for organic farming and environmental stewardship, leaving a lasting impact for generations to come.
Farmer-Led Trials Program Spotlight: Jorge Reyes
Jorge Reyes owns a 3-acre vineyard located in Potrero, California where he is transitioning to organic certification, and plans to produce organic wine. He is participating in OFRF's Farmer-Led Trials Program to test mulch applications on his grape vines.
Championing Organic Research
The Salinas ARS station is a hub of organic research, but that has not always been the case. OFRF has worked with organic champions in Congress to develop this thriving example of the potential and necessity of on-the ground organic research, and now it needs protection!
Organic Researcher Spotlight: Dr. Ajay Nair
In this fourth OFRF Organic Researcher Spotlight, we take a look at the work of Dr. Ajay Nair, Chair of the Department of Horticulture at Iowa State University. His latest OREI-funded research evaluates crop rotations and coop designs for integrating poultry with organic vegetable production.
Farmer-Led Trials Program Spotlight: Verdant Phoenix Farm
Rhianna Simes, M.S.Ed. owns and operates Verdant Phoenix Farm, a 10-acre certified organic, no-till, urban farm and education center located in Jackson County, Oregon. She is participating in OFRF's Farmer-Led Trials (FLT) Program to test the success of occultation as opposed to tillage as a field preparation solution for no-till farming.
From Global Insights to Local Impact, an intern perspective
As Marina Vergara, former intern at OFRF, moves onto the next chapter, she reflects on her experience gaining knowledge about organic farming in the US and building professional confidence through research and project management with OFRF. She is excited to apply her learnings at her new role as a Community Outreach Farmer.
The Importance of Community and Collaboration in Organic Agriculture Research
Through a new Researcher & Extension Agent affinity group in the West/Southwestern region, OFRF is helping to foster community within the organic farming sector, creating an environment where everyone can thrive.
The Song of One Thrush: Why We Need Each Other to Build a Healthier Food System
Our Board President, April Jones Thatcher, offers a heartfelt reflection on the joys and challenges of organic farming. In her inspiring call to action, April explores how you can be part of a healthier food system. Read her message and discover how your choices can cultivate a more sustainable future for our communities and our planet.
OFRF and 90 Partners Issue Urgent Call for More Organic Research Funding in Farm Bill
The Organic Farming Research Foundation leads a coalition of 90 farms, organizations, institutions, and businesses urging Congress to boost organic research funding in the next Farm Bill to bolster sustainability and economic growth.