Organic Farming Research Foundation works to foster the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems. OFRF cultivates organic research, education, and federal policies that bring more farmers and acreage into organic production.
Wilson Organic Farms, Chris Wilson
The Wilson farm, which has been in the family for seven generations, began the transition to organic in the mid 90s, inspired by a neighbor who was making the switch as well. The certification process takes three years on land that has been receiving inputs that are prohibited under the organic program, and the Wilson family farm also needed to transition their herd of dairy cows. They started the process in 1996 and by 1999 all their crop land was certified organic. In this blog, Chris Wilson talks about the transition to organics, the benefits and challenges they've experienced on their farm, and more.
Highlights from the Southern Cover Crops Council Conference
Highlights from thought-provoking sessions and stimulating conversations happening in the world of cover crops, from the 2023 Southern Cover Crop Council Conference in Baton Rouge, LA.
Communicating with Legislators workshop series
The Organic Farming Research Foundation is hosting a series of workshops this spring on Communicating with Legislators. The free session will be free and held remotely. The first two sessions will be Tuesday, February 28th and Wednesday, March 15th, with more to come later in the spring!
Highlights from EcoFarm 2023
Kelsey Grimsley, OFRF Office Manager and Program Administrator, recently attended the 43rd annual EcoFarm Conference. In this blog post they share their experience at the conference and some of the highlights from thought-provoking sessions and stimulating conversations happening in the organic and regenerative agriculture world.
Cheetah Tchudi talks USDA farmer support services
In this guest blog post, farmer and mycologist Cheetah Tchudi shares how USDA farmer support programs have benefited TurkeyTail Farm, and offers advice on how to approach working with these national support organizations.
Catching up on the Farm Bill
OFRF and our partners are getting a clearer picture of the Farm Bill landscape. One thing remains abundantly clear, that agricultural research continues to be a bright spot for bipartisan legislation, and we are excited to leverage that fact this Farm Bill cycle.