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Beyond Buzzwords: Organic is Regenerative

Written by Elizabeth Tobey

You may have heard the term “regenerative” a lot lately in agricultural circles or on food labels at the grocery store. The term has caught the attention of consumers interested in the impact of their food choices, and farmers and policymakers looking for ways to adapt to or mitigate climate change. We are at a unique moment to promote transformative farming practices, but it’s critical to understand what we’re rooting for.

Although the term ‘regenerative’ has gained widespread traction, definitions of the term vary widely. Unfortunately, in some cases, it is used to describe conventional agriculture that adopts a single conservation practice, such as no-till, and labels it regenerative. Changing one practice and calling it regenerative drastically misses the mark of what truly whole-system, regionally-adapted, thoughtfully-practiced organic and regenerative agriculture can be.

Organic farmers have been using regenerative organic practices since long before the terms “organic” or “regenerative” were coined. Yet, as a wave of climate-change awareness sweeps over decision-makers in food and agriculture policy, organic farming is often overlooked as a climate solution. 

Organic agriculture is grounded in principles that collaborate with nature, foster healthy soil, and contribute to clean water, biodiversity, and thriving farm communities; it encompasses the essence of holistic and regenerative farming. At OFRF, we recently embarked on a project to map the synergies between organic and regenerative agriculture practices and develop a messaging toolkit to help organic advocates explain how organic is regenerative. We found three key themes that come together to highlight the critical role that organic agriculture can play in creating a healthy future for people and the planet:

#1 Organic Agriculture Supports a Resilient Planet. It is…


Nearly 90% of organic farmers use cover crops, which protect soil, help sequester carbon, and prevent erosion. Organic growers also lead the way in crop rotation, intercropping, and green manures, all of which are research-backed methods to improve resilience and increase fertility. 

Healthy for Soils:

Maintaining and improving healthy soil is a core requirement of organic agriculture. The USDA National Organic Program mandates best conservation management practices, including diversified crop rotation, cover cropping, careful nutrient management, and other methods to protect or improve soil health. 

Protective of Biodiversity:

Organic farmers are required to preserve and protect biodiversity and natural resources to replenish or maintain ecological balance on farms. Research has found that organically managed lands have higher rates of both species richness and abundance when compared to conventional cropping systems. Organic farming significantly increases populations of beneficial insects, birds, soil-dwelling organisms, mammals, reptiles, and plants. 

Systems Focused:

Organic production emphasizes overall system health, including clean air, water and soil.  The interaction of management practices is the primary concern, rather than any individual technique. 

#2 Organic Agriculture Builds Healthy Communities. It is…

Good for the Economy:

Organic farms and businesses create jobs throughout the supply chain. In 2022, organic food sales in the United States broke through $60 billion for the first time. And in 2023, total organic sales (including organic non-food products) were a record $67.6 billion, according to the Organic Trade Association’s Organic Industry Survey. The organic sector is expected to remain stable or grow as generations who are conscious about health and the environment prioritize purchasing organic food for their families, especially their children.  

Safer for Farmworkers and Rural Residents:

Organic farms rely on natural inputs, like compost and natural pesticides. Certifiers review all inputs organic farmers plan to use and conduct random tests to ensure no prohibited pesticides are used. These regulations protect farmers, farm workers, neighbors, and nearby waterways from exposure to toxic chemicals. 

Better for People:

Pesticides are designed to be poisons. The properties that make them toxic to insects and weeds can also make them toxic to other forms of life, including people. Eating organic protects people from toxic pesticide and herbicide residue on food products.

Better for Animals:

The use of antibiotics and hormones is prohibited in organic production. Instead, organic producers must use holistic practices to maintain livestock health. Studies show that organic farms harbor fewer antibiotic-resistant microbes than their conventional counterparts, and organic meats are less likely to be contaminated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria than conventional meat products (another health benefit for consumers). 

#3 Organic Agriculture is Trustworthy. It is…

Third-Party Certified:

Organic farming has a legal definition, which makes it a solid tool for holding farmers and food producers accountable to sustainable practices and letting consumers know what they are supporting with their food purchases. To sell products labeled “organic,” farmers and food processors must undergo a rigorous certification process, which includes working with a USDA-accredited third-party certifier which ensures integrity and accountability.


Organic is THE choice for consumers wanting to avoid GMOs. Organic certification prohibits farmers from using genetically modified seed and requires practices that prevent contact of organic crops with GMOs.

Tried and True:

Organic farming is not new; many of the methods used in organic farming today have their roots in traditional ecological knowledge and Indigenous farming practices. The National Organic Program was created over 30 years ago, informed by decades of experience of farmers and ranchers, soil and plant scientists, food system workers, environmentalists, and consumers. 

Evolving and Improving:

The standards are designed to be responsive to changing needs and continue to evolve. Organic agriculture may not be perfect, but there are built-in pathways for improvement. 

In short, organic agriculture is a powerful tool to address climate change, build healthy communities, and foster a sustainable future that we can trust in. To achieve this future, we must continue to invest in organic agricultural research, products, and farmers. 

By |2024-06-18T18:54:04+00:00March 27th, 2024|News|

Organic Researcher Spotlight: Dr. Dil Thavarajah

A breeding pipeline is developing improved pulse crops for organic farmers in the southeast

Written by Brian Geier

New cultivars of pulse crops (lentils, chickpeas, and field peas) may soon be available to organic farmers! These improved varieties, under development through a project led at Clemson University (CU), will: 

  1. be suitable for crop rotations with cash crops currently being grown on organic farms in North and South Carolina,
  2. have high protein content and quality, and 
  3. be climate resilient (to heat, drought, and cold stress). 

The Principal Investigator on the project, Dr. Dil Thavarajah, is an internationally-recognized leader in pulse biofortification (breeding for nutritional traits) who leads CU’s Pulse Biofortification and Nutritional Breeding Program. Her project, Sustainable, high-quality organic pulse proteins: organic breeding pipeline for alternative pulse-based proteins, is funded by USDA/NIFA’s Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI), a program OFRF’s advocacy work aims to bolster and protect. 

Dr. Thavarajah brings an extensive background in pulse breeding and an international focus to the effort to develop organic cultivars for farmers in the southeast.

 “I think the international component is very important because pulse crops especially are inbred and they are not very genetically diverse. Major universities with pulse breeding programs in the US are all conventional. We need to exchange material because the material they develop for conventional is not going to work with organic. Organic is a whole different ball game.”  -Dr. Dil Thavarajah

The project builds on a previous OREI grant that helped to identify varieties that worked well in organic crop rotations with sorghum. These varieties are now being evaluated to identify those with higher protein and sugar content, and better protein quality (measured both by digestibility and consumer preference). Dr. Thavarajah calls her approach “participatory breeding” that includes both consumers and farmers in the process. Interestingly, higher sugar content not only makes pulse crops sweeter and preferred by consumers, but also makes the plant more climate resilient. Having more sugar alcohols in the plants means the plants are more likely to remain healthy through drought stress, extreme heat, or cold snaps.

Ultimately, though, the farmer-collaborators are the centerpiece of the breeding program. “I don’t think I could be successful without my growers,” she admits. The willingness of farms like W.P. Rawl and Sons to trial new varieties and crop rotations led to successful grant proposals and may very well lead to new cultivars being released to farmers very soon. To acknowledge this, Dr. Thavarajah looks forward to releasing new varieties that bear the names and legacies of the farmers involved in the project. 

Learn more about Dr. Thavarajah’s work (including advice for fellow researchers applying for OREI funding) by watching the following short video interview with OFRF, and follow her work to stay updated on the release of biofortified pulse crops for organic farmers in the southeast!

This research is funded by the USDA/NIFA’s Organic Research and Extension Initiative. To learn more about OFRF’s advocacy work to protect and increase this type of funding, and how you can help become an advocate for organic farming with us, see our Advocacy page.

By |2024-06-18T17:59:09+00:00March 20th, 2024|Education, News|

New Toolkit Highlights How Organic Practices Lead the Way in Regenerative Agriculture


OFRF Releases a Suite of Messaging Resources for Organic Advocates to Amplify the Power of Organic Farming for Climate Solutions and Healthy Communities

(March 11, 2024) The Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) is proud to announce the launch of an innovative messaging toolkit, “Organic is Regenerative,” designed to address the growing interest in sustainable food choices and climate-friendly agriculture. As consumers increasingly seek to understand the environmental impact of their food, and farmers strive to combat climate change, there’s a unique opportunity to promote transformative practices. This toolkit emphasizes science- and standards-backed messaging about the benefits of organic agriculture as a regenerative farming practice.

“Organic growers are leaders when it comes to climate resilience, adaptation, and mitigation,” said Brise Tencer, OFRF Executive Director. “We are excited to share this resource that summarizes the latest scientific insights on how organic fosters healthy soil, and contributes to clean water, biodiversity, and thriving farm communities.”

While the term ‘regenerative’ gains traction, the role of organic farming in this conversation is often overlooked. Organic agriculture embodies principles of collaboration with nature. It fosters healthy soil, clean water, biodiversity, and thriving farm communities. Organic is the original climate-smart agriculture. This toolkit aims to clarify misconceptions about organic practices and highlight their role in regenerative land stewardship. It includes versatile resources such as print/digital fliers, a presentation slide deck, social media graphics, and a comprehensive message mapping spreadsheet providing evidence-backed statements for various audiences.

“This toolkit includes a strong suite of science-backed resources highlighting the many ways in which organic is regenerative. It not only showcases clear messaging, it also includes the supporting evidence,” said Thelma Velez, OFRF Research and Education Director. “Our goal is to provide organic champions and farmers with the tools they need to communicate how organic practices support healthy soils, strong communities, and a more livable planet.”

Explore our toolkit at


About Organic Farming Research Foundation

OFRF works to promote the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems. OFRF cultivates organic research, education, and federal policies that attract more farmers and arable land to organic production.

For more information, please visit

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By |2024-06-18T17:59:19+00:00March 12th, 2024|News, Press Release|

Shaping Agriculture Policy for a Sustainable Future

At OFRF, we continue to work closely with coalition partners to remain aware of the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture policy at the federal level. For this March’s Policy Corner, I wanted to share all of the work we’ve been up to this year and what we’re looking forward to. 

Earlier this month, OFRF submitted comments on the Natural Resource Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Conservation Practice Standards (CPS) and the Agricultural Marketing Service’s Specialty Crop Competitiveness Initiative (SCCI). These are significant opportunities to highlight the conservation and economic benefits related to organic management. You can take a look at our comments on our advocacy page. Please reach out if you have any questions!  

Along with this advocacy related to the executive branch, we’ve continued to be engaged in the legislative process related to our priorities. The Farm Bill, the everlasting gobstopper of a policy topic, continues to lurch from hopeful timelines in the spring to calls to extend the 2018 policies another year. We will continue to engage on this crucial piece of legislation as it is one of the most essential policy-drivers in the United States food system. That’s why we were in DC last month with our partners at the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. We talked with Representatives and Senators about the importance of organic agriculture research, continuing to build momentum for the Strengthening Organic Agriculture Research (SOAR) and the Organic Science Research Investment (OSRI) Acts.

Similar to the agriculturalists up in the northern part of the country, now is also the time we are planting seeds for FY25 appropriations, even as we rapidly bring a close to the FY24 Agriculture Appropriations process. We’ve been sending detailed requests to legislators’ offices about the impact of organic agriculture research on their districts and states. We have also been busy drafting written testimony that will be submitted to both chambers’ agriculture committees, making sure that the case for expanded organic research is put on record. Lastly and most importantly, we’re scheduling meetings with appropriators to ensure they understand the importance of organic agriculture to their states and the country. Once these documents are submitted, we will share them with you all!

But, looking forward to the rest of the year, we’re excited about the opportunities ahead of us. Coming up later this month is the National Organic Coalition’s fly-in, a crucially important venue for the organic movement to use our voice to raise awareness about the bills and programs important to it. Later in May, we will be at the Organic Trade Association’s annual Organic Week, where we’ll be sharing updates on the state of organic research with organic industry representatives and participating in congressional meetings to bring this information to legislators. 

Something we’re very excited about, though, is the upcoming August recess and the ability to not just tell legislators about the importance and impact of research projects but show them. If your institution or farm is interested in organizing an in-district meeting or field day in August/October, let us know so we can work with you to communicate that opportunity to legislators during recess! We’re also interested in hearing about the logistical and administrative burdens of running a successful field day. Please reach out to me at with insights!

Eat well,


By |2024-06-18T17:59:28+00:00March 10th, 2024|Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

Farmers Announced for OFRF’s new Farmer-Led Trials Program


10 organic farmers across the country selected to receive technical support for innovative on-farm trials

(March 4, 2024) OFRF is proud to announce the launch of our innovative Farmer Led Trials (FLT) Program with the selection of our first ten farmers. The FLT Program will support farmers and ranchers in conducting practical, on-farm research that address farming challenges and increase farmer-led innovations in organic farming. OFRF will provide technical support to implement these on-farm trials, and create space to foster a community of farmer-researchers. 

“Farmers are experimenters by nature. Helping them add a few scientific steps to their farm trials can lead to more concrete and trustworthy results that they can share with other farmers”, said Thelma Velez, Director of Research and Education Programs. This program was created to support farmers in accomplishing just that by providing technical support and minimizing the risk of trying a new practice.

This first year cohort includes a mix of beginning farmers, BIPOC farmers, and veteran farmers spanning specialty crops, grain, and vineyard operations. All participants are certified organic or in transition to organic. The research topics identified by the farmers focus on building soil health, cover crop use, weed and pest management, shade cloth use during summer, planting distances, companion planting, and variety breeding. The following is the full list of farmers selected:

OFRF has been working to create this program for over two years, and we are so excited to get started and provide more direct support for farmers, said Thelma Velez, Director of Research and Education Programs. We are eager to see how these on-farm trials will benefit organic farmers in the long run.

To learn more about the Farmer-Led Trials Program, please visit our program page on the OFRF website. Additionally, check out the brand new OFRF publication titled Farmers Guide to On-Farm Research.  


This project is supported through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). TOPP is a program of the USDA Organic Transition Initiative and is administered by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) National Organic Program (NOP).


About Organic Farming Research Foundation
The Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) works to foster the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems. OFRF cultivates organic research, education, and federal policies that bring more farmers and acreage into organic production.

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By |2024-08-27T19:19:26+00:00March 4th, 2024|News, Press Release|

Carrots, Tomatoes, and Field Days

Bringing farmers & researchers together

At OFRF, celebrating and strengthening the relationship between the researcher and the farmer is one of our greatest joys. We see these roles coming together and overlapping at Field Days – educational events often held on a working farm or ranch or at an agricultural research site. These events usually include demonstrations of specific management practices and equipment or highlight research methods and results. They are an excellent way for farmers to learn about new research findings, researchers to gain insight into the most pressing issues for producers, and networks to grow between them to continue these exchanges. 

With our team spread across the country, we are eager to know more about field day events happening in various regions and to highlight more stories of these cross-pollination events. Do you host Field Days? What kind of events do you plan? Who attends them? And best of all – what are you researching? We want to see what you are up to!

Back in November, our Development Director, Leah Lawson, had the opportunity to attend a carrot trial field day at McHenry County College’s Center for Agrarian Learning in Crystal Lake, Illinois, the ancestral homelands of the Peoria, Bodwéwadmi (Potawatomi), Myaamia,  Očhéthi Šakówiŋ,  Hoocąk (Ho-Chunk), and Kiikaapoi (Kickapoo). Here’s what she had to say about the experience:

Carrot Trial Field Day

By Leah Lawson, Partnerships and Development Director OFRF

It was one of those beautiful fall days when the air was crisp and cool. As I drove out to the campus, the sky faded into a beautiful prairie sunset of purples, reds, and oranges – much like the colors of what was to be my favorite carrot of the night.

Our three hosts for the evening, Sheri Doyel, Micaela Colley, and Kim Sowinski, took us through the process and purpose of the project titled “Carrot Improvement for Organic Agriculture” (CIOA). We learned about domestication pathways and how culinary and cultural history blend together to create varieties throughout the world. We also learned about the process of carrot breeding. They only flower after the second year of growth, so harvesting the seeds is a long process. Each carrot variety has to be grown in a separate tent to keep them separate and prevent insects with unwanted pollen from getting into the mix.

Of course, the best part of the evening was tasting the carrots. We tried ten varieties grown on the MCC Student Farm, rating them each for taste, sweetness, texture, and color. Sheri and Kim collected all of this data to aggregate with the results from all the other farms participating in the study. Each variety will also receive ratings from the growers on soil health, disease resistance, and production rate. You can sign up on the Seed Linked website if you want to join a similar trial.

Unfortunately, my two favorite carrots were not great producers, so I don’t think I will find them at my local farmers’ market soon. However, I did get to take some of the leftover carrots. After returning home, I conducted another quick tasting with my kids, and we all marveled at their differences.

OFRF is working on building a database of Field Day opportunities around the country, so if you know of events like this, please get in touch! Let us know how you communicate or find out about research in your area. You can reach us at 

If you’re interested in learning how to host a Field Day, check out this Farmer Field Day Toolkit from SARE.

New disease-resistant carrot and tomato varieties being developed in partnership with organic farmers

OFRF just released two new research summaries highlighting this carrot trial and a similar tomato study. These two important, long-term organic crop breeding projects both focus on the interaction between soil microbes, genetics, and disease management, and both involve participatory plant breeding efforts between organic farmers and researchers.

Carrot Improvement for Organic Agriculture (CIOA): Leveraging On-Farm and Below-Ground Networks

Carrots are an economically important crop for organic specialty crop farmers, with 12% of US carrot acreage under organic management bringing more than $120 million in farmgate sales. Since 2011, researchers leading the CIOA project have been looking to improve carrot varieties for organic production. A central idea behind this work is that carrot varieties associate effectively with soil microbes for enhanced resilience to biotic and abiotic stresses, which can reduce the need for off-farm inputs. By conducting on-farm research and participatory carrot breeding projects, scientists and farmers work together to better understand below-ground networks and develop new varieties.

Tomato Organic Management and Improvement Project (TOMI): Part II

A diverse and virulent complex of fungal, watermold, and bacterial pathogens threaten organic tomato production. The Tomato Organic Management and Improvement Project (TOMI): Part II, led by Dr. Lori Hoagland of Purdue University, builds on previous research (TOMI: Part I), which found that soil and root microbiomes play a substantial role in mediating crop disease resistance. In this second phase of TOMI, researchers want to better understand the role of tomato genetics in promoting specific rhizosphere microbes that mitigate disease issues. The three-pronged approach investigates, 1) The potential for microbial biocontrol agents to promote disease suppression, 2) How plant genetics and microbes interact, and 3) The development of varieties with stable disease resistance using a farmer-participatory approach.

By |2024-06-18T18:00:13+00:00February 12th, 2024|News|

Organic Advocacy in Action: Reflections on NSAC Lobby Day

By Annika LaFave, OFRF Policy and Communications Intern

OFRF Policy & Communications Intern, Annika LaFave in front of the capitol after 8 official meetings during NSAC’s annual lobby day, and a “meet and greet” coffee chat.

Earlier this month, I had the exciting opportunity to participate in the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) Lobby Day with Gordon (OFRF’s Policy & Programs Manager). As the Policy and Communications intern for the Organic Farming Research Foundation and a recent newcomer to national agriculture advocacy, I have gained a deeper understanding of the Farm Bill and Appropriations processes and still have more to learn.

Our lobby day goals were to discuss the significance of the organic industry and how legislation like the Strengthening Organic Agriculture Research Act (SOAR Act), Organic Research and Science Investment Act (OSRI Act), Continuous Improvement & Accountability in Organic Standards (CIAO), and Opportunities in Organic Act can address common challenges organic producers face. As anticipated, the lobby day underscored the vital role advocates play in conveying farmers’ needs to lawmakers.

Appreciating the intricacies of sustainable agriculture and the barriers farmers face requires a personal connection or lived experience. I was reassured to learn that many congressional agriculture committee staffers seem to “get it” and even have ties to farming in their backgrounds. It is reassuring to know that even with the appearance of continued inaction, there are internal agriculture champions working to help bridge the gap where lawmakers lack such a connection. One thing that stood out to me was the level of transparency staffers had when speaking about the status of the upcoming (delayed) Farm Bill and Appropriations negotiations.

Unifying Nature of Agriculture and Food

In a tumultuous global landscape grappling with climate change, social inequities, and political unrest, we all share a collective need for safe and reliable healthy food access. In this lies a belief widely held by many farmers and consumers regardless of party affiliation: a resilient food system is one that values conservation, ecologically-sound practices, human and animal welfare, and equitable access to basic needs. In most of our eight meetings with congressional staffers from both political parties, there was consensus that the needs of our vulnerable farms and food systems must be addressed. For me, these earnest interactions confirmed that sustainable agriculture, encompassing organic and regenerative practices, seems to have recognition as a nonpartisan bright spot in a difficult Congress.

Prioritizing Farmer-Driven Research Through Legislation

During the lobby day, OFRF staff and members of NSAC met with Leslie Deavers, Chief of Staff to the Associate Chief and Rebekah Lauster, Chief of Staff for the Office of the Regional Conservationists to discuss NRCS’ strategies on field staff recruitment and retention. OFRF is proud to be able to work with these partners to ensure high quality services for farmers.

A recurring topic of conversation in our meetings was how organic agriculture research overlaps with the needs of nonorganic producers. If we relate food systems policy initiatives to formative research principles and human-centered design, it’s clear that research objectives and dissemination methods should explicitly fit the needs and capacity of the “end user”. While trending tech-research exploring artificial intelligence and precision agriculture has the potential to transform our foodscape, it is essential that we recognize the immediate limitations of small and mid-sized producers’ ability to access such technologies. I appreciate the University of South Dakota’s researchers’ policy advice to approach agriculture research with a social justice framework, ensuring that we do not leave behind the farming communities most in need. Amid the complex challenges we face in today’s food system, we must prioritize farmer-centered approaches to address wicked problems.

The research sector represents an ever-important industry whose work directly impacts the economic and working lives of farmers and rural communities. It is essential that investments in agriculture research reflect both the economic and production needs of the farmers it aims to support. One particularly salient issue is the dwindling number of new small and midsize farmers—how can advocates and researchers best meet the needs of smallholder and beginning farmers, and ensure that they have a viable path forward? 

81% of BIPOC farmers and 63% of beginning farmers surveyed in OFRF’s 2022 National Organic Research Agenda specified that “managing production costs” is a significant production challenge. Among non-production challenges, “accessing labor” and “finding and developing markets for organic products” were among the top concerns for all surveyed farming demographics. A study from the USDA Economic Research Service (ERS) on the Profit Potential of Certified Organic Field Crop Production and University of Vermont’s study on labor management decisions for small and mid-sized farms are just two examples of how federally-funded research can address these key challenges.

Closing Thoughts

Advocating for farmers requires more than rhetoric; it requires tangible action and systemic change. Following the lobby day meetings, I feel inspired to dig deeper into USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) local food systems and organic production data as a means of informing my own advocacy work. You can get involved too, simply by calling your Representative and Senators to ask their offices to check in on the status of Organic Research in the upcoming Farm Bill and Appropriations negotiations. You can find their contact info here! Small actions by many people are what make this work possible. And if you’re interested in getting more involved, reach out to Gordon at!

By |2024-12-24T17:04:48+00:00February 12th, 2024|Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

Cultivating Connections

EcoFarm 2024 & OFRF’s Organic Agriculture Research Forum

This January, almost half of the OFRF team traveled to Monterey, CA  to meet in-person for the OFRF Organic Agriculture Research Forum (OARF) which was held in conjunction with EcoFarm. Considering we are a fully remote team spread across the country, this was a big opportunity for us to connect and showcase our work. OFRF research forum consisted of eight workshops embedded within the 2024 EcoFarm conference. The forum focused on sharing the latest research relevant to organic producers, with a loaded agenda that touched on production issues, soil health, weed management, and of course, organic integrity. The team was immersed in two days of strengthening relationships, fostering new connections, and listening to farmers’ and researchers’ current work and perspectives on the industry. Here are the conference highlights from #TeamOFRF:

Thelma Velez, Research & Education Director

I can’t deny that the best part of hosting OARF at EcoFarm was getting to hang out with so many OFRF staff and board members (past and current), and connecting with partners from across the region. I know that as the Director of Research & Education I should say I was most excited for the great sessions we organized or the workshops that shed light on challenges facing organic growers. But there is something magical about connecting with like-minded folks driven to make the farming world a better space for everyone. It was enlightening to see the tracks dedicated to Indigenous and Tribal knowledge, justice in the food system, and accessible content in Spanish. I am really proud of our team for pulling together great content for OARF. Jose’s presentation on our new Spanish-language course, Los Fundamentos de la Salud del Suelo, was a big hit, and the printed resources we had in Spanish and English flew off the tables. I presented in a session focused on the synergies between organic and regenerative practices and principles. This is both a popular and contentious topic, and I was glad to know that my message resonated with so many growers in the audience.

Mary Hathaway, Research & Education Program Coordinator

I have been hearing about EcoFarm since I was a volunteer with World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) almost two decades ago, and I was excited to finally get a chance to attend. The grounds of Asilomar are a beautiful backdrop for learning, and leaning into the awe of nature through our organic experience.  Meandering through the beach boardwalks as a casual conversation unfolded with colleagues, or walking out of an inspiring session to the smell of sage and salt were the calm backdrop to a busy few days. Sessions on minimal tillage and supporting BIPOC farmers to transition to organic were especially of interest to me. I also had the pleasure of moderating “Cultivating Farmer-Researcher Collaboration in Organic Agriculture Research”. It was wonderful to hear farmers’ experiences with on-farm research, as well as researcher curiosity on how to better engage; it was a lively conversation that has stuck with me. And of course, you can’t mention the highlights of a multi-day conference without mentioning the meals! Sharing meals of locally sourced ingredients with new friends is a definite highlight of my conference experience. 

Jose Perez, Research & Education Engagement Coordinator

It was my first year attending EcoFarm and it didn’t disappoint! I was excited to meet and hear from farmers and service providers who were passionately engaged in the organic farming movement. I particularly enjoyed the session on calculating nitrogen supply for organic vegetables presented by UC Cooperative Extension and Full Belly Farm. I also enjoyed presenting on the new OFRF’s online Soil Health course in Spanish, Los Fundamentos de la Salud del Suelo, and connecting with the Latinx community, including many Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association (ALBA) staff and students.

Leah Lawson, Partnerships & Development Director

All of my agricultural work has been overseas or in the Midwest, so attending EcoFarm was interesting on many levels. I enjoyed learning about the farms and programs in California – seeing what was the same and what was different from other regions I’m more familiar with. I learned a lot about grafting, scions, and fruit trees. The seed swap was fascinating as I chatted with people growing things that are not common in the Midwest. It was a warm and welcoming experience and I look forward to returning in the future.

Kelsey Grimsley, Office & Administrative Manager

This was my third time at EcoFarm, and it was my favorite! It was exciting and motivating to be in-person with so many coworkers who live all over the US, and to feel like there was a team effort to make the most this conference. We would talk between sessions and exchange ideas and experiences in the social hall, then head out to the next event with a clear vision and mission. I’ve always been most inspired when I’m around people with overlapping passions. It was clear that so many conference attendees were looking for where they could plug in to foster a sustainable future. I was elated when we ran out of ALL our research materials the first day of the conference and I had to drive back to Santa Cruz to restock. From our series of soil health guides, to our informational booklet on the certification cost share program, to the executive summary of our new guide to on-farm research, our free resources were being picked up by folks as they passed our table. I spoke with an inspiring variety of people, including a beginning farmer from Thailand, a person using tech to help farming efficiency, and many young people hoping to get involved in whatever way they could. Ultimately we passed out over 835 hard copy research resources. I’m already looking forward to going back next year and bringing even more informational materials!

Gordon Merrick, Policy & Programs Manager

This was my second time attending EcoFarm, but my first time was during COVID so it was a digital conference. The in-person version is definitely a lot more exciting! It was great being able to take part in the constant work of building community in the sustainable and organic agriculture spaces. I was able to attend the session related to the (hopefully) upcoming Farm Bill and the importance of the federal legislative process to farmers, ranchers, and eaters.  Hearing the perspectives of people engaged in all levels of the food system has always been a priority of mine, and EcoFarm certainly offers a venue to do exactly that!

Proof we have fun together. Left: Jose & Mary explore the California Coast. Above: Kelsey, Thelma, Mary, & Jose share a meal. Right: Kelsey & Thelma enjoy a quiet moment between conference sessions.

By |2024-06-18T18:02:02+00:00February 9th, 2024|News|

Organic Transition Initiative (OTI) Deadline Announcement

Thanks to the Organic Transition Initiative (OTI), USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) has made $75M in cost-share grant funding available to certified organic and transitioning-to-organic growers under the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) to meet the Conservation Practice Standard for Organic Management (CPS-823).

This post and the PDF below provide step-by-step instructions for contacting your local NRCS office to inquire about available financial and technical assistance programs available to you.

OFRF has developed a PDF to help farmers communicate with NRCS about accessing the Organic Transition Initiative.

It is available in both English and Spanish. >>>

“How to talk to your NRCS office about the
Organic Transition Initiative (OTI) resources available for you”

“Cómo hablar con su oficina del NRCS sobre los
programas de apoyo para la transición a orgánico”

Organic farmers must manage their land without prohibited inputs for 3 years for their products to be certified. This transitioning period can be incredibly challenging as farmers and their land adjust to new production practices. OTI is intended to help producers implement conservation activities required for certification, receive expert technical support, and recover foregone income due to reduced yields during the transition period through EQIP.

Important Note: Although the national deadline has been extended to March 1, 2024, states set their own ranking dates independently. 

  • State Deadlines:
    • Arizona: Feb 2, 2024(General EQIP ranking date)
    • California: Feb 16, 2024 (General EQIP ranking date)
    • Hawaii/Pacific Islands: Mar 8, 2024
    • Nevada: Mar 29, 2024 (General EQIP ranking date)
    • New Mexico: Fall 2024 (General EQIP ranking date)
    • Texas: Jan 26, 2024
    • Utah: Mar 29, 2024 & June 28, 2024 (General EQIP ranking date)

Step 1. Research your options.

Step 2. Connect with USDA. Create or update your account at, and contact your local NRCS office to get started. Your conservation specialist will confirm your eligibility and help you identify which projects & practices best suit your operation. Directing the agent to NRCS-sponsored webinars and training modules the Organic Farming Research Foundation and Oregon Tilth have developed for NRCS field agents may be helpful.

Contact your state office for additional assistance:

Guiding Questions: Check out our “How to talk to NRCS about the OTI” PDF for additional topics, available above!

  • I __own/rent__ my land. What documents will you need for completion of my EQIP application by the deadline?
  • I am eligible for the increased and advanced payment option for Historically Underserved farmers. How will this change my application process?
  • My farm is __certified/transitioning_ to organic. What additional information will you need for completing my conservation plan and application by the deadline?
  • Can I get financial assistance for conservation work I have already started or completed?
  • Can NRCS help me develop and implement a comprehensive conservation plan that is tailored to my organic operation?
  • When is the deadline for the next EQIP ranking period?

Step 3. Schedule your conservation plan development. Your NRCS conservation specialist will work with you to develop a conservation plan for your operation and complete the AD 1026 form.

Step 4. Gather your application documents.

  • Official tax ID (Social Security Number or Employer Identification Number)
  • Adjusted gross income certification (Form CCC-941), which requires your Taxpayer ID Number and AGI from the previous 3 tax years.
  • Deed, or property lease agreement and written authorization from the landowner to install structural or vegetative practices.
  • Farm tract number (obtained from or FSA membership).
  • Documentation of organic certification (if applicable).
  • Documentation of your land’s irrigation history (if applicable to project).
  • Documentation of previous improvements made to the property.

Step 5. Complete your application & submit! Your NRCS conservationist will assist you in finalizing your application. 

Step 6. Implement your plan. If you’re selected, you can choose whether to sign the contract for the work to be done. You’ll be provided with guidelines and a timeframe for implementing your plan. You will be reimbursed after your work is inspected and approved. Advanced payments not expended within 90 days of receipt must be returned to NRCS.

As essential stewards of the land, organic farmers deserve support. Don’t let funding be a barrier to realizing your farm’s potential. Take the first step towards growth and sustainability by applying for assistance through the Organic Transition Initiative before your state’s deadline.

Note: all of this information is available below in Spanish. Obtain additional translated materials, or schedule interpretation services for phone calls or in-person visits,, or request personalized Spanish language support for any USDA resource,

By |2024-06-18T18:02:40+00:00January 31st, 2024|News|

From Regulations to Legislation: Advocating for Organic Agriculture in 2024

The dawn of a new year always brings new opportunities. This year, we are continuing our work to advocate for expanded public investments in organic agriculture research. To be honest, 2024’s political landscape is admittedly daunting:

  • FY24 appropriations still need to be passed by the end of the month.
  • The Farm Bill is running up against a new March deadline.
  • The FY25 appropriations process is about to begin.
  • There’s a Presidential election on the horizon.

That being said, at OFRF, we see these events as opportunities to ensure organic agriculture gets the recognition it deserves.

As we highlighted last month, 2023 was a momentous year for organic policy development in the regulatory space. In 2024, we hope to bring that momentum to the legislative body and work with our coalition partners to amplify our voices and call for increased public investments in organic agriculture research.

To do this, we have two primary initiatives. First, we will continue to build broad support for the Organic Science and Research Investment (OSRI) Act in the Senate and the Strengthening Organic Agriculture Research (SOAR) Act in the House. If you still need to get familiar with these significant marker bills, check out those links for an overview and some information on how you can help spread awareness about them. Second, we are committed to ensuring that appropriators comprehend the urgent need for increased funding in agricultural research and the far-reaching impact these investments have on the nation- economically, ecologically, and socially.

Including the SOAR and OSRI Acts in the 2024 Farm Bill is more than just a step forward in achieving parity between organic agriculture’s share of USDA research funding (currently <2%) and its market share (>6%). More importantly, these investments will touch the lives of communities nationwide.

Agricultural research programs extend beyond answering producers’ queries or supporting early-career scientists—although they excel at both. These programs significantly benefit the rural communities actively participating in and hosting vital research projects. Notably, every dollar invested in public agricultural research generates an impressive $20 of benefits. Despite this documented impact, public funding for agricultural research has seen a 20% decline since the turn of the century, in stark contrast to increased funding in other research areas during the same period.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, we are intensifying our efforts in appropriations advocacy, ensuring that the offices of appropriators understand the critical importance and impact of the programs under their control.

However, for us to maximize our effectiveness, we need your help! If you have a story involving a research finding, participation in a research project, or a persistent research question that needs answering, please use our story form to contribute and help us raise awareness!

As always, please reach out if you want to get involved or are curious about our work!

Eat well,


By |2024-06-18T18:02:52+00:00January 12th, 2024|Gordon's Policy Corner, News|
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