OFRF News Archives

OFRF News Archives2019-10-09T21:34:41+00:00

General News

What August Recess means for Organic Ag Advocacy

This month's Policy Corner has a guest author, OFRF Policy and Communications Intern, Adam Bagul. As August Recess sweeps Senators and Representatives out of DC and back to their home districts, Adam explains what this means for constituents who can use this opportunity to speak with policy-makers and advocate for organics.

August 10th, 2023|Categories: Gordon's Policy Corner, News|Tags: |

OSRI Act Introduced

Today, the Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) is happy to deliver to the leadership of Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry a letter in support of the Strengthening Organic Agriculture Research Act. OFRF and the undersigned believe this bill represents significant investments into answering research questions that organic producers continue to grapple with.  “We are excited to be able to work with Organic Champions in Congress to help ensure there are resources available to support the success of organic farmers and ranchers across the nation. Over the last [...]

July 12th, 2023|Categories: Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

Organic Agriculture & Research in a Changing Climate

This year's extreme weather events have highlighted the immediate hazards of climate change. Despite the need for action, there is a lack of urgency in Washington, D.C. to address these issues. OFRF is advocating for bills in Congress and emphasizing the crucial role of agricultural research programs.

July 7th, 2023|Categories: Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

From Fields to Research Labs: how your story can inspire change

Sometimes with policy work is a hurry up and wait game! During this small lull in updates from DC, we wanted to take this opportunity to devote this month’s Policy Corner to ask you, dear reader, a favor: Can you take a moment to share your story as a researcher or a farmer interacting with organic agriculture research?

June 12th, 2023|Categories: Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

Introducing the Organic Researcher Spotlight Series

Dr. Ash Sial is an Entomologist at the University of Georgia, whose research on organic controls of insect pests of organic fruit crops was awarded OREI (Organic Agriculture Research Extension Initiative) support. OFRF sat down with Dr. Sial to get updates on the research and learn more about the collaborations between researchers and organic farmers currently being supported by OREI.

June 7th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

The Strengthening Organic Agriculture Research Act is here!

The Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) delivered to the leadership of House Agriculture Committees a letter in support of the Strengthening Organic Agriculture Research (SOAR) Act. OFRF and the undersigned believe this bill represents significant investments into answering research questions that organic producers continue to grapple with.

May 25th, 2023|Categories: Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

Organic Week with OTA

OFRF’s Policy and Programs Manager, Gordon Merrick recently traveled to DC to participate in the Organic Trade Association’s Organic Week. He met with members of Congress from both major political parties and found that they and their staff are increasingly aware of the benefits of organic farming and why the industry deserves support from the Farm Bill.

May 12th, 2023|Categories: Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

OFRF Policy Priorities for 2023 Farm Bill & Appropriations

2023 is a big year for the food and farm systems in the United States. This year the 2018 Farm Bill expires, and a new Farm Bill must be passed. Simultaneously, the annual appropriations process is also underway. As an organization committed to the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems, OFRF is deeply involved in both the farm bill and the appropriations processes. We are working hard to advocate for organics at every turn. This article explains OFRF's policy priorities for the current Farm Bill and Appropriations negotiations processes.

April 21st, 2023|Categories: Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

On the ground in DC, Farm Bill updates, and more

It has been a busy spring in the policy world this year! With “marker bill season” fully upon us, OFRF is actively working with our coalition and congressional partners to advocate for expanded public support for organic agriculture research. Read more about what our Policy & Programs Director, Gordon Merrick has been up to this spring, including flying to DC with the National Organic Coalition, hosting a series of workshops on Communicating with Legislators, and amplifying the need for continued research on organic farming.

April 13th, 2023|Categories: Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

Wilson Organic Farms, Chris Wilson

The Wilson farm, which has been in the family for seven generations, began the transition to organic in the mid 90s, inspired by a neighbor who was making the switch as well. The certification process takes three years on land that has been receiving inputs that are prohibited under the organic program, and the Wilson family farm also needed to transition their herd of dairy cows. They started the process in 1996 and by 1999 all their crop land was certified organic. In this blog, Chris Wilson talks about the transition to organics, the benefits and challenges they've experienced on their farm, and more.

April 4th, 2023|Categories: Farmer Stories, News|

Highlights from EcoFarm 2023

Kelsey Grimsley, OFRF Office Manager and Program Administrator, recently attended the 43rd annual EcoFarm Conference. In this blog post they share their experience at the conference and some of the highlights from thought-provoking sessions and stimulating conversations happening in the organic and regenerative agriculture world.

February 13th, 2023|Categories: News|

Farmers on the Frontlines: Climate Change and the Farm Bill

Farmers and ranchers, the people who produce our food, are often on the frontlines of challenges facing our society. Among the most pressing of those issues is the changing climate and an industrial food system that prioritizes profits over the health and wellbeing of people and the planet. Because of their place on the front lines of these challenges, farmers and ranchers represent a vibrant space of innovation and creativity to meet them. The 2023 Farm Bill cycle is a ripe opportunity to make solid advances towards a just transition to a new type of production that both mitigates and adapts to our changing climate.

January 9th, 2023|Categories: Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

Latino Farmer Conference & New Spanish-language course

The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) and USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) partnered to host the 8th annual Latino Farmer Conference on November 17th and 18th at the California Center for the Arts in Escondido. This was a two day conference meant to bring together sustainable agriculture professionals for a special all Spanish-language event.

December 13th, 2022|Categories: News|

Senate Farm Bill Hearing on Ag Research Programs Features Former OFRF Board President Steve Ela

The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry held a hearing on the “Farm Bill 2023: Research Programs” on December 6th. The only farmer testifying was Steve Ela, a fourth-generation farmer who has been farming organically for nearly thirty years at Ela Family Farms, his family’s farm in Hotchkiss, Colorado. As one of five panelists invited to share their expertise, Ela spoke to the importance of organic systems research and extension programs to all farmers.

December 13th, 2022|Categories: Gordon's Policy Corner, News|
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