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Organic Agriculture Research Forum at EcoFarm Conference 2022

Organic Farming Research Foundation is hosting the 2022 Organic Agriculture Research Forum (OARF) at the 42nd Annual EcoFarm Conference. This year’s event will be held virtually, March 9-18, with field days scheduled in April-June 2022.

The following OARF workshops will be conducted online:

Research Report-Back: Soil Health on Organic Farms in the Central Coast
Tuesday, March 15, 1:15PM-2:30PM PT

Scientists from the UC Berkeley Soil Health Project will present the results of their soil ecology, bird ecology, and social science research on the topic of soil health on organic vegetable farms. We studied 18 organic farms to learn about different farming practices and innovations farmers are using to protect the soil. Organic lettuce and vegetable growers along the Central Coast of California use many different practices to support soil health, from cover cropping and composting to planting hedgerows. How does the farming model affect the challenges and opportunities for using soil health practices? How does the use of these practices impact nutrient cycling and soil carbon, suppression of foodborne pathogens in soil, and conservation of bird communities? In this session, we report back on our research over the past two years and share our findings on the benefits and challenges of implementing practices that build soil health.

Findings from the 2022 National Organic Research Agenda and Listening Session
***Presented by OFRF
Wednesday, March 16, 1:15PM-2:30PM PT

The Organic Farming Research Foundation regularly surveys organic growers, farmers, ranchers across North America to understand their challenges and research needs. They use these findings to publish the National Organic Research Agenda (NORA) report. This report informs OFRF research, education and advocacy programs and has also historically served as a critical roadmap to inform the USDA and Congress on how to leverage public investments in organic research and technical assistance. In 2019 OFRF surveyed over 1,000 farmers and held 16 focus groups with both established certified organic growers and transitioning growers. In this listening session we will summarize the findings of the most recent NORA report, and then open the floor for dialogue on the future needs within organic production systems.

Farmer to Farmer Panel on Soil Health/ Grupo de agricultor a agricultor sobre la salud del suelo
Thursday, March 17, 11:15AM-12:30PM PT (Note: En Español / In Spanish)

Two organic vegetable farmers with highly diversified organic production will share their experiences with using practices to build soil health. What works? What have they changed over time? And what challenges do they face that they are still working on? These two growers have participated in the UC Berkeley Soil Health Research project and will share some data about their farms in terms of soil microbial diversity and fertility as well as their reflections on how their farming practices have influenced these measurements.

Agricultores de productos orgánicos con alta diversidad en la producción orgánica compartirán sus experiencias con el uso de prácticas para crear la salud del suelo. ¿Qué es lo que funciona? ¿Qué es lo que ellos han cambiado a través del tiempo? Y, ¿cuáles son los retos en los cuales ellos todavía están trabajando? Estos tres agricultores han participado en el UC Berkeley Soil Health Research (proyecto de Investigación de la Salud del Suelo de UC Berkeley) y compartirán algo de los datos acerca de sus operaciones agrícolas en términos de la diversidad microbiana y la fertilidad, así como sus reflexiones sobre cómo sus prácticas agrícolas han influenciado estas medidas.

Controlling Spotted Wing Drosophila Organically
Friday, March 18, 1:15PM-2:30PM PT

Despite increasing pressure associated with SWD on a wide range of fruits, there are few organic options for its control. This session will explore research on integrated techniques that are proving effective without the use of prohibited insecticides. Some of these techniques include attractants, netting, trapping, biological control, and more. Because this pest is now widespread in soft fruit, fighting it is very important.

By |2022-03-09T15:54:00+00:00March 9th, 2022|News|

OFRF Engaged in Agency Discussions to Promote Reform

By Ferd Hoefner, OFRF policy advisor

Engaging with government agencies on topics of mutual interest is a critical aspect of working to advance improved public policy and resource allocations for organic farming. OFRF does that type of work on an ongoing basis. Two recent examples – concerning conservation and research – illustrate the point.

In February, OFRF hosted a working meeting with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) staff and a wide variety of organic stakeholders. Over 20 people participated, including representatives of NRCS, OFRF, the Organic Trade Association, National Organic Coalition, Organic Farmers Association, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, and National Center for Appropriate Technology, among others.

It was the first organic stakeholders call on conservation programs in several years and OFRF was pleased to organize and facilitate the conversation. Participants dove into a variety of topics, including organic issues related to:

  • the Environmental Quality Incentives Program and the Conservation Stewardship Program, including the organic initiatives, state allocations, participation rates, and conservation enhancements beneficial to organic systems;
  • the difficulty in finding organic certifiers who are interested in writing conservation plans and ways to expand outreach;
  • the recent transition from Conservation Activity Plans (including so-called CAP 138, the Transition to Organic CAP) to a more flexible, three-part framework of Conservation Planning Activities, Design and Implementation Activities, and Conservation Evaluation and Monitoring Activities;
  • the Conservation Reserve Program’s Organic Field Border Buffer Initiative;
  • the role of organic in USDA plans to promote climate-smart farming; and
  • emerging plans for a USDA organic transition initiative.

The conversation was lively and aided immensely by the knowledge, commitment and passion of Lindsay Haines, a 34-year NRCS veteran who serves as the agency’s National Organic and Pest Management Specialist and is herself a farmer. Coming out of the call, three subgroups were formed for follow-up conversations. One of those, on new and revised CSP enhancements to better serve organic farmers has already occurred in early March. At that time, OFRF consultant Mark Schonbeck shared with the group a detailed list of enhancements for agency consideration for the 2023 CSP enrollment year and beyond. A second small group, on issues related to Technical Service Providers and conservation planning activities will meet later in March. The third group, on organic’s role in climate mitigation will happen in early April.

OFRF has also been involved in agency discussions about organic research activities and funding with USDA’s Agricultural Research Service. In 2021, OFRF had several meetings with ARS national program leaders as well as one with the agency head to prod the agency to develop a comprehensive plan for organic research and substantially ramp up funding. We proposed that today’s meager funding reach at least a pro rata share compared to organic’s position in the marketplace, which would come to about $100 million a year, about an eight-fold increase over current funding levels.

We are very pleased to report that recent meetings with ARS national program leaders have demonstrated a renewed commitment to organic farming research. A plan has been put together along with an associated budget.  It is still in the agency clearance process, so we have not yet seen the full details. We do know, however, that it would include organic systems research, research on diverse faming environments, climate mitigation research, and cross disciplinary research funds. Among the outcomes anticipated would be new crop varieties, innovative pest management techniques, new organic feed options, climate change mitigation advances, and post-harvest improvements. We commend ARS for taking our concerns to heart. OFRF will share a summary once the details become publicly available.

By |2022-03-09T14:04:23+00:00March 9th, 2022|News|

Staff Spotlight on OFRF’s Research & Education Program Manager

Thelma Velez, PhD (she/her/hers) is OFRF’s Research & Education Program Manager. Thelma joined Organic Farming Research Foundation in 2021 and brings over 12 years of experience in organic agriculture and sustainable food systems to the organization.

Thelma's Dog MochaWhen she isn’t working, Thelma enjoys cooking and baking, rock climbing, and making art. She resides in Florida with her family and dog Mocha (a Boykin Spaniel and Lab mix), and visiting the Everglades National Park (both pictured right).

Tell us about yourself.

I am a creative problem solver.
I love to cook and make things with my hands.
I am a Latina of Afro-Caribbean and Indigenous descent.

Why do you care about organic farming and/or organic research?

My mother exposed me to organic food in the early 90’s. When my friends were out eating fast food, my mother was insistent on feeding us healthy and organic salads, legumes, and home cooked meals. By the time organic became a health fad, I was already attuned to the deeper value of organic farming for the benefit of the environment and our many ecosystems. I choose organic for the planet, not just for my health.

Who is your farming, research and/or food hero – and why?

Sunrise at Flamigo Campground, Everglades National ParkMy farming and food-system hero is Leah Penniman, the founder and co-Director of Soul Fire Farm and author of Farming While Black. Leah is a pioneer, a visionary, and a doer, and I find her tenacity and drive inspiring. The mission and work being done at Soul Fire Farm is honorable and just, and to top it all off, she is a kind and compassionate human with a stellar smile.

What are you excited about working on at OFRF?

In terms of projects, I am excited about working to develop educational and research materials that help us support farmers. I enjoy working at OFRF because I see value in the work that we do with farming communities across the nation. I am also excited to work on ways to better engage diverse audiences and support BIPOC farmers and researchers.

Anything else you’d like to share?

I really appreciate (and like) the entire OFRF team. Our staff is great!

By |2022-02-08T21:15:17+00:00February 8th, 2022|News|

Crager Hager Farm: Sharing Insight on USDA Organic Certification Cost Share Program

Bryan Hager with CollardsOrganic farmer and OFRF Board Chair Bryan Hager knows about organic farming and the process it takes to get certified. Hager and his wife Wendy own Crager Hager Farm, a diversified fruit and vegetable farm in Carroll County, Georgia. Their farm is a year-round operation that grows salad and cooking greens such as lettuce and spinach, and popular market items such as tomatoes, beans, squash, and cucumbers. Crager Hager Farm also grows apples, pears, and heirloom strawberries and blueberries. In total, the farm grows 120 varieties of vegetable and fruit crops.

Hager has been involved in farming most of his life, using organic practices since he was 16 years old. He started growing and selling for market in 2001 and certified organic in 2017. It was at this time that Hager first participated in the USDA’s Organic Certification Cost Share Program (OCCSP). This important program provides reimbursement for agricultural producers and handlers who are obtaining or renewing their organic certification under the National Organic Program (NOP).

Bryan Hager eating corn.To participate in the program, eligible operations must submit their OCCSP applications to State agencies or to their local Farm Service Agency (FSA) county offices. Crager Hager Farms took the latter approach and was the first operation in their county to apply for this program. Together, Crager Hager Farm and FSA navigated the application. The subsequent two years went well, but since then, the process has taken longer and longer to complete with reimbursement payments extremely delayed.

When Crager Hager Farms first applied to the cost share program, the USDA provided up to $750 in reimbursements which covered roughly 75% of the farm’s certification fees. Since then, the amount for Crager Hager Farm to certify organic has nearly doubled, though the OCCSP has reduced their cost share to $500.

For Crager Hager Farm, the financial and time costs of organic certification keep rising while the farm is getting smaller. The farm previously offered an internship program and employed five full-time employees in peak season. Over the last two years, the farm has scaled back their operations. Currently, they attend one farmers market and employee one part-time farm employee. The burdensome cost of certification and reduced funding from the cost share program has had its effect on Crager Hager Farm.

Bryan Hager with mushroom logThough the operational decision to downsize reflects a personal interest for Hager and his wife to invest their time elsewhere, Hager admits that running a farm has become increasingly more stressful. “Every year, there seems to be a new requirement to get certification,” says Hager. “The ‘time-cost’ and financial cost continues to go up on top of the problems with climate and changing markets. The increasing complexity of certification adds a lot of stress to being a farmer.”

Crager Hager Farm has dropped their USDA organic certification, though they still practice the same techniques that help improve soil fertility and grow nutritious produce free of synthetic inputs. “We’ve been committed to growing organically for 40 years, well before we got certified,” says Hager. They are an organic pioneer in their state and have a strong reputation at farmers markets that’s been cultivated over the years.

Today, Hager plans to rejoin the Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) program, an independent grassroots initiative offering peer-review certification to farmers. More than 750 farmers and beekeepers participate in the CNG certification throughout the United States and Canada, though the USDA does not offer any cost share incentives for this process.

And although Crager Hager Farm has encountered issues with the Organic Certification Cost Share Program, Hager says, “If someone is considering getting certified, they should definitely look into the program as it can reduce some of the financial burden.”

By |2022-11-22T18:50:30+00:00February 4th, 2022|Farmer Stories, News|

OFRF Facilitates USDA Agricultural Research Service Tour with Rep. Jimmy Panetta, Co-Sponsor of Ag Resilience Act

OFRF ARS Tour with Congressman Panetta

Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) toured the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in Salinas, Calif. with Rep. Jimmy Panetta (CA-20), a co-sponsor for H.R. 2803, the Agricultural Resilience Act (ARA). This tour of the organic fields took place on Saturday, January 15, 2022, and marks the second time Rep. Panetta’s congressional office has visited the ARS site with OFRF.

“Central Coast farmers and ranchers have always been on the leading edge of organic production, thanks to their hard work and partnerships with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and organizations like the Organic Farming Research Foundation,” said Congressman Panetta. “I remain committed to elevating the needs of the organic producers I proudly represent, so they can continue to have the tools they need to adapt to climate stressors, invest in soil health, and succeed in the twenty-first century.”

OFRF ARS Tour with Congressman PanettaThe Congressman and others in attendance were led on a tour by Dr. Eric Brennan, USDA Research Horticulturist. Dr. Brennan previously was awarded an OFRF on-farm research grant and his staff position at ARS was heavily advocated by OFRF nearly 20 years ago. He is the only dedicated organic ARS researcher in the country and his position is admittedly underfunded. Tour group members shared with Rep. Panetta their need for an increase in funding for organic at ARS countrywide, with a clear national strategy on how the agency can better serve the organic farming community.

“There could be an incredible opportunity to hire additional scientists and technicians to grow organic research,” said Brise Tencer, Executive Director for Organic Farming Research Foundation.

The tour discussion also touched upon the importance of organic research to help improve growers’ farming practices such as cover cropping and composting. Dr. Brennan was joined by organic grower Phil Foster and Bill Wintermantel, Research Plant Pathologist and Acting Research Director at USDA.

OFRF, whose mission has been to advance the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems, has invested in over $3M and awarded over 350 grants for on-farm, science-based research. All OFRF-funded research results are accessible online for free.

By |2022-02-02T21:47:56+00:00February 2nd, 2022|News|

Lou Kozma

President, Hirzel Farms

Board Treasurer

Lou Kozma is president of Hirzel Farms, which is one segment of a five-generation family farming / food processing operation. He is based in NW Ohio, where the farm was established in 1923. Hirzel Farms have been certified organic since 1981 and currently has approximately 1200 acres in organic production.

Lou is currently on the board of the Agricultural Incubator Foundation, working closely with several area universities. Past Board positions include President of the Ohio Vegetable and Potato Growers. Lou’s focus and passion is cover crop combinations to mitigate soil runoff, and to decrease the nutrient loading in the SW basin of Lake Erie. He also enjoys consulting growers about converting parts of existing farms to organic.

In his free time, Lou works with several smaller inner-city and semi-urban growers to improving soil health and biodiversity.

By |2024-04-01T19:20:15+00:00January 31st, 2022|Board|

Applications Due for USDA’s Organic and Traditional Education and Certification Program

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will provide pandemic assistance to cover certification and education expenses to agricultural producers who are certified organic or transitioning to organic. USDA will make $20 million available through the new Organic and Transitional Education and Certification Program (OTECP) as part of USDA’s broader Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative, which provides new, broader and more equitable opportunities for farmers, ranchers and producers. 

Applying for Assistance

Signup for 2020 and 2021 OTECP began on Nov. 8, 2021 and ends February 4, 2022. Producers apply through their local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office and can also obtain one-on-one support with applications by calling 877-508-8364. Visit to learn more.

Eligible Expenses 

OTECP funding is provided through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). Certified operations and transitional operations may apply for OTECP for eligible expenses paid during the 2020, 2021 and 2022 fiscal years. For each year, OTECP covers 25% of a certified operation’s eligible certification expenses, up to $250 per certification category (crop, livestock, wild crop, handling and State Organic Program fee). This includes application fees, inspection fees, USDA organic certification costs, state organic program fees and more.

OTECP Eligible Expenses Chart

Crop and livestock operations transitioning to organic production may be eligible for 75% of a transitional operation’s eligible expenses, up to $750, for each year. This includes fees charged by a certifying agent or consultant for pre-certification inspections and development of an organic system plan. 

For both certified operations and transitional operations, OTECP covers 75% of the registration fees, up to $200, per year, for educational events that include content related to organic production and handling in order to assist operations in increasing their knowledge of production and marketing practices that can improve their operations, increase resilience and expand available marketing opportunities. Additionally, both certified and transitional operations may be eligible for 75% of the expense of soil testing required under the National Organic Program (NOP) to document micronutrient deficiency, not to exceed $100 per year. 

By |2022-01-31T16:55:21+00:00January 31st, 2022|News|

Mary Phipps

Founder and Farmer, Orchard Pond

Mary Phipps brings over 10 years of experience in sustainable agriculture. She has been operating her USDA certified organic farm since 2008, focusing on organic produce and value-added products produced in the on farm commercial kitchen. Mary has served on boards and councils for the University of Florida, including the Strawberry Growers Advisory Council. She and her husband and their two children were awarded the Farm Family of 2013 award for the Leon County Fair. Mary earned a BS in Landscape Architecture from the College of Environment and Design at the University of Georgia.

By |2024-05-08T14:26:58+00:00January 28th, 2022|Board|

We’re Hiring for a Deputy Director and a Policy & Programs Manager!

Organic Farming Research Foundation is looking for our next Deputy Director and Policy & Programs Manager!

Join a team that envisions a future where organic farming is the leading form of agriculture. Since our founding in 1990, OFRF has sponsored organic farming research, education, and outreach to support organic and transitioning farmers across North America. This work is complemented by efforts to share our findings with policy makers, agricultural institutions, and federal agencies to support broader change and advance the organic sector.

The Deputy Director position reports to the Executive Director (ED) and will provide day-to-day oversight of internal operations including program implementation, human resources, and finance. The Deputy Director will provide strategic and tactical leadership in all aspects of the organization.

The Policy & Programs Manager will conduct in-depth analysis of federal and state funded policy and programs and develop and coordinate legislative and regulatory campaigns to ensure such programs effectively support the needs of organic farmers. This position offers a great opportunity for the right candidate to interact with federal agency staff, political officials, non-profit partners and other diverse stakeholders to advocate on behalf of organic farmers and scientists.

Both jobs are full-time and remote, with a full range of competitive benefits. Visit our Jobs page for more information including a complete description of each role.

By |2022-01-25T20:51:22+00:00January 25th, 2022|Job Openings, News|

Staff Spotlight on OFRF’s Partnership & Development Manager

Haley Baron (she/her/hers) is OFRF’s Partnership & Development Manager. Haley joined the organization’s Research & Education program in 2019 before stepping into her current role in early 2020. She is based in San Francisco and has over a decade of experience championing sustainable and equitable food systems.

When Haley isn’t building strong collaborative relationships with OFRF partners, she enjoys visiting farms and farmers markets, cooking, gardening, and recently took up ceramics. Haley enjoys exploring her home state of California, from hiking to “walking on Ocean Beach and in Golden Gate Park, both just a few blocks from my house,” she says.

Haley Baron visits a farm.Tell us about yourself.

I grew up in the Sunset neighborhood of San Francisco with my parents and older sister. I loved everything about food from a young age and was passionate about supporting San Franciscans who didn’t have the same access to food that I did so I began volunteering at a local community dining room when I was 10. This was the beginning of my dedication to food justice and agriculture.

Why do you care about organic farming and/or organic research?

I’m passionate about building a healthier and more just food system, where all ecosystems and people are supported and can thrive. To do so, we must change the way we grow food and what we prioritize. Organic agriculture removes toxic chemicals from the system, builds more resilient farms and supply chains, can help mitigate climate change, and provides a safer environment for farm staff.

Who is your farming, research and/or food hero – and why?

All organic farmers and ranchers! They are the true heroes as they have chosen a path that isn’t always easy and requires wearing 25 hats at once, but one that is hugely beneficial to our environment and society.

What are you excited about working on at OFRF?

There is a huge gap in the resources, financial and educational, that go to organic farming systems compared to conventional agriculture. Therefore, we have to fight for that support and it’s exciting to be part of an organization that is doing just that!

By |2022-01-11T21:17:26+00:00January 11th, 2022|News|
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