Monthly Archives: December 2024

The OFRF Intern Archive

OFRF periodically hosts part-time interns who receive academic credit in exchange for 12-15 hours of work per week. Interns help us with the critical day-to-day tasks that keep our organization running, while we offer interesting work and learning opportunities. This page honors the interns who have joined us in the past and the valuable work they have contributed to the organization. You can learn more about current internship opportunities here.

Past Interns

Articles from Past Interns

Agricultural Runoff: Organic Practices as a Method for Marine Conservation

This month, our Policy & Programs intern takes a deep dive into the intersection of agriculture and marine health, highlighting how agricultural runoff impacts our oceans and estuaries. As a Religious Studies major and Oceanography minor, Jazea's unique perspective bridges land and sea, offering insights into the consequences of conventional farming practices on marine ecosystems, and the solutions that organic systems offer.

Returning to My Roots

As his internship with the OFRF comes to an end, Dakota Moore reflects on the experiences and lessons that have shaped him as a farmer, advocate, and organic professional. From supporting cutting-edge research to presenting in webinars, his internship has been "a transformative journey, equipping me with the tools to revitalize my family farm and pursue a career advancing sustainable agriculture."

From Classrooms to Congress

As Julie Nelson, former intern at OFRF, moves onto the next chapter, she reflects on her experience gaining experience with food and agricultural policy and advocacy work in the US, while building professional confidence during her internship.

By |2024-12-24T17:20:56+00:00December 24th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Is the Future of Organic Food at Risk? Research Funding Holds the Answer

Editor’s Note: This blog post was originally published as a guest post on the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition’s website. The post is authored by OFRF’s Gordon Merrick, Senior Policy and Programs Manager and Mark Schonbeck, OFRF Research Associate.

field day with participants looking at a field of sunflowers

Photo credit: Matt Ryan/Sandra Wayman

The world is increasingly recognizing the value of sustainable food systems, and organic agriculture plays a vital role in this movement. Organic practices enhance soil health and biodiversity, foster resource regeneration, and help mitigate and build resilience to climate change. This translates to healthier food and a healthier environment and reduces reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

However, recent budget proposals by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) within the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) suggest a concerning decrease in funding for organic research programs. If implemented, this shift could stifle the progress documented by these programs, hindering the growth and innovation of the organic sector at a critical juncture.

For the FY25 budget, NIFA is suggested a $3.5 million, or a nearly 50% budget decrease, for the Organic Transitions Research Program (ORG), justifying it through the need to transfer organic research funding into broader programs like the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI). Yet, a closer look reveals a gap exists between stated intentions, even congressional direction, and reality. This analysis found that AFRI has historically funded low levels of organic research, while the Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) has been erratic in supporting organic research projects. Both programs have a sustained trend of funding fewer and fewer organic research projects.

On the other hand, analysis of past funding allocations through dedicated organic agriculture programs reveals a wealth of cutting-edge research and innovative outreach that can support organic, transitioning, and conventional producers in succeeding. Nonetheless, there are also persistent knowledge gaps regarding specific needs and challenges that organic producers face that must be addressed.

A Flourishing Landscape of Organic Research at Risk

A review conducted by our organization, the Organic Farming Research Foundation, revealed a flourishing landscape of existing USDA-funded research and outreach with significant value to organic agriculture. We examined projects funded between 2015 and 2021 through the Organic Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) and the ORG. These programs stand as testaments to the power of dedicated research in propelling the organic sector forward, reinforcing that this is no time to stop growing or even suggest reducing their impact. They offer valuable resources and practical solutions for organic and transitioning producers, as well as conventional producers interested in ecologically and economically sound practices. These programs work together synergistically to build the scientific foundation for a more successful, climate-friendly, and resource-conserving organic agricultural sector that can thrive well into the future.

Investing in organic research provides farmers, both certified organic and non-certified, with innovative solutions and practical tools that enhance profitability, mitigate financial and ecological risks, and foster economic growth and social well-being in rural communities. By addressing specific challenges and knowledge gaps, dedicated research funding helps current and aspiring organic farmers overcome barriers to realizing this potential.

Let’s delve into a few examples of how dedicated funding has demonstrably fostered innovation within organic agriculture.

Organic Research and Extension Initiative (OREI)

The OREI program awards funds for research conducted on certified organic land to address production, marketing, and socioeconomic constraints on the growth of the organic sector and to elevate the economic and social benefits of organic farming.

OREI funds integrated projects that combine research with an outreach component—extension (delivering practical outcomes to producers) and/or education (training students and service providers in organic practices). The UC Davis Student Collaborative for Organic Plant Breeding Education (SCOPE) is an excellent example. This initiative trains future plant breeders and develops new crop varieties specifically suited for organic systems. It addresses a critical need for organic producers who often lack access to cultivars optimized for their production methods.

Most OREI projects address multiple aspects of an organic farming system, practice, problem, or commodity. For example, researchers utilize the long-term farming systems trials at USDA’s Agricultural Research Service station in Beltsville, MD, to address nutrients, weeds, soil health, greenhouse gas mitigation, and net economic returns in organic field crop rotations. OREI also prioritizes research that takes place on working farms, like this research project that investigated the pest management services a robust bird population can provide orchards.

Additionally, OREI funds conferences and planning projects that bring farmers, processors, input vendors, buyers, chefs, researchers, service providers, and students together to share knowledge and innovations, identify priorities, develop integrated OREI proposals, and provide professional development opportunities. The 2022 Student Organic Seed Symposium and the 2021 Northeast Organic Seed Conference built robust and lasting collaborations. They engaged Black, Indigenous, and other minority farmers and scientists at a level not realized in the past.

Organic Transitions Research Program (ORG)

The ORG program focuses on helping producers overcome the challenges of transitioning to organic practices, such as production and marketing obstacles, infrastructure needs, and policy or administrative constraints. Additionally, ORG provides funding for research and development of alternatives to substances on the USDA’s National List of allowed synthetic substances, which are subject to periodic review and potential removal from the List. For example, ORG supports the development of fish meal in lieu of synthetic methionine supplements in poultry feed and the use of biological controls instead of streptomycin to manage fire blight in organic apple and pear production.

OREI and ORG benefit all major agricultural regions across the country by tackling region-specific challenges. For instance, farmers in the Southern region face acidic, low-fertility soils, intense weed, pest, and disease pressures, along with marketing and infrastructure constraints. Responding to these challenges with ORG and OREI projects, North Carolina State University researchers integrated cover crops, diverse rotations, and organic amendments to accelerate soil improvement. Additionally, a team at Texas A&M University combined cultivar selection, biological seed treatments, cover crops, and seeding rates to enhance weed, pest, and disease resilience and increase yield in organic rice.

Addressing Critical Production Challenges to Fuel Innovation

OREI- and ORG-funded research benefits all farmers and ranchers, not just those who hold or seek USDA Organic Certification. Many conventional farmers implement organic practices such as compost applications, diversified rotations, cover cropping, or biological integrated pest management (IPM) to build healthy soil and reduce the direct and environmental costs of production.

USDA organic research has addressed top challenges identified by organic farmers in a recent OFRF survey, including:

  • Soil health, fertility, and crop nutrition.
  • Maintaining yields and managing production costs.
  • Managing weeds, diseases, and pests.
  • Accessing crop cultivars suited to organic systems (especially OREI).
  • Managing the farm as a system to reduce reliance on inputs.
  • Market research and development for organic commodities (especially OREI).
  • Overcoming barriers to organic transition (especially ORG).

Specific examples of OREI and ORG outcomes that address these challenges include:

  • Strategic crop rotations that maximize cover, minimize tillage, and limit weed competition in organic grains.
  • New organic crop and whole-rotation budgeting tools to help new and aspiring organic farmers assess and manage the economic risks of organic transition.
  • Development of carrot and tomato cultivars with enhanced plant-root-microbe associations for disease resistance, nutrient use efficiency, and nutritional quality.
  • Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD), a NOP-compliant alternative to soil fumigation that reduces pathogen loads and promotes a disease-suppressive soil microbiome to protect organic vegetables and strawberries.

Exploring Uncharted Knowledge Gaps

Working with limited funding, OREI and ORG have enabled tremendous strides in advancing the science and practice of organic farming and ranching over the past two decades. Yet, knowledge gaps remain that warrant additional research attention. These include:

  • Livestock and poultry breed development for organic systems.
  • Climate resilience strategies for organic systems.
  • Organic production of crop seeds and transplants.
  • Organic production of pork, beef, poultry and eggs, tree nuts, herbs, and cut flowers.
  • Managing soil health, pests, and diseases in protected cultivation such as high tunnels.
  • Organic utilization and production of perennial planting stock.
  • Policy and socioeconomic constraints on the growth of the organic sector (adopted in 2018 as a specific program priority).

While gaps exist, impactful projects are underway to address these challenges.

Scientists and farmers in Mississippi have identified sheep resistant to gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN), a significant hurdle in organic sheep production. These findings can inform breeding programs for improved animal health in organic systems. Additionally, research in dairy cattle genetics holds promise for identifying and evaluating breeds suited for organic production, which generally requires a lot more walking and mobility than conventional milk operations, a trait that has not been selected for in many commercial breeds.

Climate resilience has become a priority for OREI and ORG. For example, University of Wisconsin scientists are working with farmers to develop vegetable cultivars with increased resilience to the changing climate conditions in the Midwest. Similarly, Clemson University received funding to develop salt-tolerant rice cultivars for organic farms affected by rising sea levels. Further research is crucial to supporting organic farmers in simultaneously mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change.

Several OREI plant breeding projects train farmers in organic seed production. However, challenges remain. Difficulties with seed increases for cover crop breeding and a decline in organic seed production due to factors like climate change highlight the need for further research, outreach, and training in this critical area.

High tunnels offer high-return opportunities for organic producers but also present unique challenges regarding soil health (salinity, nutrient imbalances) and specific pests and diseases. OREI-funded research on cover crops for high tunnels and advanced IPM strategies has made significant progress in addressing these challenges. However, further research is needed to optimize organic production fully within high tunnels in all regions.

From a commodities perspective, OREI- and ORG-funded research has greatly advanced the support for a wide range of agricultural commodities, fostering innovation and diversification among organic farmers. Researchers at the University of Minnesota are tackling the leading challenges in organic pork production, including swine nutrition and parasite control. Several teams, including those at Washington State University, the Agricultural Research Service in Mississippi, and Montana State University, have made advances in managing diseases in organic poultry and integrating crop and poultry production to improve soil, nutrient, and weed management. Researchers at Middle State Tennessee University were awarded an ORG grant that has supported the research and development of advanced biological control strategies to manage diseases in the medicinal herb ginseng, a high-value crop for the region. Beef, pork, tree nuts, and herbs play important roles in American diets, and demand for cut flowers continues to be strong; yet, organic market share for these products remains low. Additional research is needed to remove barriers to expanding organic production and sales of these commodities.

The Road Ahead for Investing in a Sustainable Future

A thriving organic sector offers numerous benefits, including environmental sustainability, economic growth, and increased consumer choice. Without robust, consistent investments in organic agriculture research into critical topics like livestock breeding, addressing agronomic challenges, and organic seed production, the organic sector will not be able to reach its full potential. These research efforts are essential for building a resilient food and farm system that meets the growing consumer demand for organic products while safeguarding the environment and providing economic opportunities to rural communities.

Positive signs are on the horizon. With annual OREI funding increasing to $50 million in 2023, the program has considerably increased its capacity to address these research needs. The research being funded by these programs can be perused using USDA’s DataGateway. Given its history of supporting highly innovative and practical research, ORG merits an increased investment through formal authorization in the next Farm Bill and robust funding in the annual Appropriations process. Continued and strengthened support for both OREI and ORG is crucial.

Organic agriculture is crucial for sustainable farming, biodiversity, a healthy food system, and combating climate change. However, the 2024 Farm Bill falls short in addressing the funding needs for organic agriculture research.

We are working with the National Organic Coalition to make sure your voice is heard by providing a tool to send a personalized message to your representatives, urging them to support increased funding in organic agriculture research. By investing in the future of organic agriculture, we can unlock its full potential and contribute to a more sustainable and healthy food system for all.

By |2024-12-20T18:41:59+00:00December 20th, 2024|News|

Why I Spend My Time With OFRF, Relections on 2024 From Our Board President

April Thatcher, farmer and board president, holding carrotsWe’re settling into our winter routine out here at April Joy Farm. It’s what I call the season of deferred maintenance! In addition to repairing and restoring, we’re organizing barns and the workshop, winterizing the packing shed, and mucking out the poultry coop. This is a time of year when I begin to take stock—looking back at what has been and looking forward to what may be, so I can root myself squarely in what is necessary in this moment.

This is my first year as the president of OFRF’s Board of Directors but my sixth year serving on the board. I have to say, the growth and change this year has felt exponential. In the last five years, the organization has quietly been building crucial networks and planting the seeds of new dreams, all while ensuring the integrity of our foundational work. For me, 2024 marks the year OFRF has bloomed profoundly—in remarkable and unexpectedly wonderful ways.

 Here are a few highlights we’re most proud of:

  • This year, we funded 10 farmer-led research projects. You can read stories about their projects on our website here and view the recording of a recent project recap from three farmers in the program.
  • We advanced 2 marker bills that would grow federal investment in organic research, SOAR and OSRI.
  • We launched a messaging campaign to educate the public about how organic is good for the soil, biodiversity, and climate: Organic Is Regenerative.

AND the Board recently approved a new five-year strategic plan that:

  • Supports farmers where it matters most. Listening to organic producers is at the heart of our work, and this plan strengthens our ability to provide them with the resources and support they need to thrive. One immediate outcome is the formation of a new Organic Stewardship Council, that will function as a farmer advisory body to OFRF.
  • Tackles climate change head-on. We’re amplifying our efforts to showcase how organic farming plays a vital role in climate resilience and environmental sustainability.
  • Builds a more equitable future. Organic farming should be accessible to all. We’re committed to breaking down barriers and ensuring that underserved communities have access to the benefits and opportunities within organic agriculture.

As a direct market farmer, time is my most critical resource. Like so many of us out here in the field, there is a surfeit of important work that vies for my time and attention. So why do I continue to support OFRF?

The three big reasons I spend precious time stewarding OFRF’s goals are:praying mantis on stem of pumpkin

  • OFRF is truly invested in farmer well-being.
    Over the past six years, I have seen how OFRF is focused on understanding and advancing the needs of organic producers across our country. This means continuing to collect, distill, and disseminate findings and practical applications of organic research to farmers and agricultural professionals of all backgrounds and experience levels, emphasizing the benefits of organic to all farmers striving to farm more ecologically, responsibly, and profitably. 
  • OFRF is advancing a research agenda that supports ALL American farmers, regardless of their farming philosophy.
    Organic farmers like me require research that does not depend on expensive chemical inputs but rather on creating integrated, resilient agroecological systems. Why does this matter? Because unlike chemical-based farming research, organic farming research applies to all farming systems—and can be (and is being) adopted by farmers across the country. Nationally, the organic market makes up more than 15% of total produce food sales. Despite this growth, organic agriculture research funding makes up less than 2% of the total research budget at the USDA and less than 1% of the Agricultural Research Service’s budget. 
  • Organic farming is climate resilient.
    Climate change poses critical risks for farmers and ranchers and endangers the soil, water, and other resources on which food production depends. Rising temperatures have already intensified droughts, heat waves, and storms, making it harder to grow crops and raise livestock. Organic systems that emphasize soil health help farmers and ranchers increase resilience to the impacts of climate change by capturing and storing more carbon (CO2) in the soil (carbon sequestration) and releasing fewer greenhouse gases. There is also extensive research demonstrating the potential of organic systems to reduce agriculture’s contribution to climate change (i.e., mitigate climate change).

As we look to 2025, I invite you to find a way to build a connection to or strengthen your ties with OFRF. So many hundreds of farmers across our country, like me, are counting on your engagement.

By |2024-12-11T22:08:04+00:00December 12th, 2024|News|

Farmer-Led Trials Program Spotlight: Kennebec Valley Farm

Written by Mary Hathaway, OFRF’s Research & Education Program Manager

Up on a ridge in rural Maine is Kennebec Valley Farm, a 22-acre historic farm. Owner Jennifer Barrientos was able to purchase the farm three years ago to become steward of the property, which is a mix of woodland and pastureland. Jennifer grows on just about one acre, including greenhouses. She is certified organic and uses no-till and biodynamic methods to grow her produce. You’ll also find chickens and alpacas on her pastureland, and she makes good use of their manure in her soil fertility regimen. 

Jennifer had a long journey to get to her current farm. She grew up in Hawaii, where she helped grow food and care for chickens, goats, and rabbits on her family’s farm. Many years later, after moving back to the mainland and working as a teacher for more than 25 years, Jennifer began working on organic and biodynamic farms on both the West and East Coasts. Now, settled in at Kennebec Valley Farm, Jennifer grows food for her community, offering seasonal produce at their farm store, through a CSA and local farmers markets. 

Rebecca Champagne, OFRF’s Conservation Scientist, visited Kennebec Valley Farm in October to see Jennifer’s operation and chat about her involvement in the FLT program. They chatted about why Jennifer decided to apply for the program, why she chose the specific research question, and discussed how the trial was going. Jennifer is in the beginning phases of being in no-till production, and after visiting some long-term no-till farms in Maine, she knew she wanted to investigate what would create the healthiest soil at her farm. She is interested in finding the right balance in practices financially, labor-wise, and what will build soil health and microbial activity.

Comparing farm-made compost and commercial fertilizer

In her transition to a no-till system, Jennifer has begun to incorporate Dutch white clover as a cover crop to add fertility to her beds and suppress other weeds. As she’s developing and stabilizing her permanent bed system, Jennifer wanted to make use of more cover crops and farm-generated inputs to feed her soil. However, as a market farmer, Jennifer did not want her change in amendments to decrease her yields. Jennifer decided it was a good idea to compare her farm-made compost with the commercially available fertilizer that she had used in previous seasons. 

Farm trial plan

plot map for field trial at Kennebec Valley Farm, part of the Farmer Led Trials Program at OFRFWith technical support from OFRF, Jennifer built out her trial, asking, “Will purchased soil amendments result in higher yield and soil health when compared to farm-made compost in brassica crops?”

OFRF staff helped Jennifer set up a randomized block design to compare the yields of Brussel sprouts growing with her farm-made compost and a commercial fertilizer that consists of blood meal and potassium sulfate. Jennifer is also taking soil tests of plots before and after harvest to see what impact the treatments are having on the soil, as well as the current crop.

Trial updates

The Brussel sprout harvest will be complete in December, with just over half the crop harvested so far. Jennifer continues to track the yield data as the plants are ready for harvest. To capture a full picture of the impact that the cover crop and amendment treatments have on the soil, she will take soil samples after the ground thaws in spring.

rows of organic veggies in a high tunnel at Kennebec Valley Farm, part of the Farmer Led Trial Program with OFRF

“By embracing a holistic approach to farming, I not only contribute to sustainable agricultural practices but also inspire others to recognize the health benefits of consuming locally grown, nutrient-rich produce. As stewards of the land, this research can cultivate a culture that honors the environment, nourishes communities, and builds a better future.”

– Jennifer Barrientos, Kennebec Valley Farm

the farm store at Kennebec Valley Farm, selling local organic fruits and veggies

This story is part of a series profiling farmers who are taking part in OFRF’s Farmer-Led Trials (FLT) program. Farmers receive technical support from OFRF to address their challenges through structured on-farm trials. To learn more about OFRF Farmer-Led Trials Program, visit our website page at

To learn more about soil fertility rates and various amendments, check out these links:

To learn more about Kennebec Valley Farm visit

By |2024-12-10T14:07:44+00:00December 10th, 2024|Farmer Stories, FLT Highlight, News|

OFRF Launches Organic Stewardship Council to Strengthen Farmer-Centered Programs and Advocacy


SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Dec. 5, 2024 — The Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) is proud to announce the creation of the Organic Stewardship Council, a new advisory group that underscores OFRF’s unwavering commitment to taking its lead from farmers. For 35 years, OFRF has worked to advance organic farming systems by listening to and amplifying the voices of organic and transitioning to organic farmers. The Organic Stewardship Council builds on this legacy, ensuring that farmers remain central to its research, education, and advocacy efforts.

“Farmers have always been at the heart of our work, and this council represents another step forward in keeping their perspectives front and center,” shared Brise Tencer, Executive Director of OFRF. “By formalizing this advisory body, we are creating an enduring structure that empowers farmers to guide and shape our work at every level. We are thrilled to bring together this council of experienced voices who understand the challenges and opportunities in organic farming.”

The Organic Stewardship Council will consist of farmers from different regions, agricultural backgrounds, and diverse farming communities, as well as representatives from farmer associations and certification bodies. A Board-appointed liaison will also serve on the Council to maintain strong ties with OFRF’s governance. Council members will be compensated for their time, either directly or through the organization they represent, in recognition of their critical role in shaping OFRF’s work.

The inaugural members of the Council will be announced in early 2025 following a competitive nomination and review process and approval from OFRF’s Board of Directors. These stewards will bring their diverse voices together to shape OFRF’s work and elevate the priorities of organic and transitioning farmers nationwide.

The Council will offer invaluable feedback and recommendations to OFRF’s Board and staff across a range of areas, including:

  • Shaping OFRF’s programs by offering insight into educational resources, research priorities, and policy advocacy to ensure they align with the needs of organic and transitioning farmers.
  • Voicing farmer perspectives by elevating on-the-ground realities and challenges farmers face to guide OFRF’s strategic direction.
  • Evaluating the impact and providing feedback on the relevance and effectiveness of OFRF programs.
  • Addressing emerging agricultural issues, including the National Organic Research Agenda (NORA), feedback on OFRF’s new Organic Research Hub, and Farm Bill priorities.

The creation of the Council reinforces OFRF’s foundational belief that the voices of organic and transitioning farmers are vital to shaping the future of agriculture. This approach has driven OFRF’s work from the start, from groundbreaking research to educational resources and policy efforts that address the critical challenges farmers face. “The Organic Stewardship Council will deepen our connection to the farming community and strengthen our ability to respond to their evolving needs,” Tencer said.

With this Council, OFRF continues to lead with the voices of organic farmers and create innovative pathways to advance the adoption of organic farming systems that prioritize climate resilience, soil health, and sustainability.

For more information about OFRF and its initiatives, visit


About Organic Farming Research Foundation
The Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF), headquartered in Santa Cruz, California, with a remote team based across the U.S., works to foster the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems. OFRF cultivates organic research, education, and federal policies that bring more farmers and acreage into organic production. For more information about OFRF, please visit our website:

Media Contact
Ashley Dulaney, Communications Director, OFRF
P.O. Box 440, Santa Cruz, CA 95061

By |2024-12-05T21:13:33+00:00December 5th, 2024|News, Press Release|

How Hosting NRCS Farm Tours Can Open Doors for Organic Farmers

Written by Gordon Merrick, OFRF’s Senior Policy & Programs Manager

field day attendees in a high tunnel

Photo by Daniel Oppenheimer, Hill Country Alliance

On a plot of land just east of Austin, near the banks of the Colorado River, a small, urban, organic operation was hosting a field day as part of an educational event for Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) field staff. This wasn’t just a “come see our operation” type of field day, though; this was an event co-sponsored by the Hill Country Alliance and the NRCS-TX Urban Agriculture Agronomist intended to provide some hands-on experience working with urban and organic farmers. 

For Michelle Akindiya, the Education Director for Farmshare Austin, this was an opportunity to bridge the knowledge gap between NRCS staff and the unique challenges faced by organic farmers.

“The goal of this workshop was to familiarize NRCS agents to the operations of small, urban and organic farms. Many of our District Conservationists in Texas are more familiar with larger, less diversified farms and may not have much contact with organic specialty crop production. We had the unique opportunity to tour our working operation and look at a new parcel that we will be transitioning to organic production.”

Tour Experience & Key Takeaways

During the tour, attendees explored both established and recently acquired sections of the farm, including three acres at the very beginning stages of an organic transition. Michelle structured the day to include both field observations and a role-playing exercise. After walking the land and discussing resource concerns, attendees broke into groups to devise conservation plans and explore available NRCS programs.

The exercise showed the participants the diversity of resource concerns and the creativity that is allowed (and sometimes needed) to address them on organic farms. Farmers who can participate in this type of exercise can find it equally valuable since they hear directly from NRCS about the programs and resources they can access.

Key takeaways from the event:

  • Scenario planning and role exercises were highly effective in fostering engagement and understanding.
  • Combining field observations with small-group discussions provided a balanced approach to learning.
  • Having a “knowledge broker”—someone familiar with NRCS standards and organic practices—was critical for translating technical concepts.

Photos 1 & 3 by Michelle Akindiya, Photo 2 by Daniel Oppenheimer

Why Farm Tours with NRCS Matter for Organic Farmers

Organic farmers often face challenges navigating NRCS programs designed with conventional agricultural practices in mind. Farm tours like Michelle’s provide NRCS staff with an opportunity to see firsthand how organic farming systems operate and the specific conservation concerns these farmers encounter. For example, understanding the pest and weed management techniques required for vegetable production versus traditional grazing, forage, or field crop operations is critical to tailoring NRCS programs to meet organic producers’ needs. 

According to Daniel Oppenheimer of the Hill Country Alliance, who was an organizer alongside Michelle for the event:

“NRCS planners wanted to apply what they learned, not just to absorb information passively. Scenario planning was key. Spending time in the field, we gave them real-world scenarios to think through and discuss; this offered a unique way to translate organic practices into conservation strategies.”

One of the more important features of these tours is how they foster in-person connections, building trust between farmers and NRCS officials. By building that trust, they create a platform for dialogue about how NRCS programs and policies interact with the requirements for organic operations. Michelle highlighted that “hosting a workshop for NRCS on our farm was beneficial in a few ways. One, we got 20 heads together to help identify and solve our resource concerns and we were able to pick up on some key pieces of knowledge that we otherwise would not have. As they were teaching each other, we were learning too! Two, we got to see behind the curtains and really understand what goes into building a conservation plan at the NRCS. I now have a much better understanding of how to best work with our NRCS District Conservationist.”

Steps to Host a Successful NRCS Farm Tour

Working with an organization to host an educational event for your local NRCS office can be a powerful way to showcase your operation, share insights about organic practices, and build relationships with NRCS staff. Based on the success of events like Michelle Akindiya’s field walk and group work at Farmshare Austin, here are steps to start that process:

1. Connect with your local NRCS office.

Start by reaching out to your local NRCS representatives or conservation districts. Gauge their interest and discuss potential focus areas that align with their training needs and your farm’s operations. Michelle’s tour succeeded, in part, because of her collaboration with the Hill Country Alliance and Wilma Tichelaar, the NRCS-TX State Urban Conservationist. These partnerships ensured the event met NRCS priorities and had the right mix of attendees. 

Daniel told us about the importance of these relationships: “We had the pre-existing relationships with some of the local NRCS, some of the zone, and some of the state office staff, too, which really helped organize training events. If you’re starting from scratch, spend time getting to know your local NRCS contacts. Attend local working group meetings, build those relationships and consider how your work aligns with the agency’s and community’s conservation priorities.”

If you don’t already have connections with NRCS or local conservation groups, consider attending their events or reaching out through your state NRCS office to establish relationships. 

2. Plan the tour’s focus points and consider what to highlight (e.g., soil health practices, crop diversity, etc.). 

Think strategically about the areas of your operation you want to showcase. Highlight practices like crop diversity, soil health management, or innovative water conservation techniques. It’s also valuable to include areas where challenges persist, as they can prompt discussions about solutions.

The importance of selecting a compelling site, such as a plot being transitioned to organic or a poorly managed area needing restoration, creates opportunities for NRCS staff to apply their knowledge and develop conservation plans. Try to reflect both your farm’s unique context and NRCS’s conservation goals.

Combine field observations of both highlighted areas and challenging areas with interactive elements like scenario planning, allowing NRCS staff to “get hands-on” and apply their skills in a real-world context.

Other activities to consider include:

  • Facilitating a discussion about conservation priorities on your farm.
  • Hands-on projects, such as building small erosion control structures or reviewing water management systems.
  • Providing time for Q&A, so attendees can learn more about how your practices align with NRCS standards.

3. Organize the day-of tour.

Don’t overlook the logistics: provide snacks, drinks, printed handouts, and a clear agenda. A smooth, organized experience ensures attendees stay focused on learning. By partnering with organizations, tailoring your farm’s presentation to NRCS needs, and incorporating interactive learning opportunities, you can host a successful and impactful farm tour. For more detailed guidance, check out OFRF’s Field Day Toolkit and start planning your event today.

4. Follow up after the tour.

Once the tour is complete, reach out to attendees with a summary of key takeaways, any next steps, and a request for feedback. Follow-up is essential for refining future events and maintaining the relationships built during the tour.

Overcoming Setbacks and Staying Persistent

coordinators of field day posing for a photo, left to right, Kaile, Michelle, Wilma

Kaile Brant (NRCS), Michelle Akindiya (Farmshare Austin), Wilma Tichelaar (NRCS)

Hosting a farm tour can come with challenges, from scheduling conflicts to initial rejections. But persistence pays off. If one NRCS agent declines, don’t hesitate to reach out to another. If the timing doesn’t work this year, try again next year. Recognition of this was readily apparent by the participants, as Wilma put it:

“It was really good because we had a lot of people from different backgrounds and different zones. Given the open dynamic we had, everyone was pretty comfortable bringing something up for discussion, which was really good. It’s important for planners to recognize that producers and their fields are all different—different experiences, different viewpoints—and that’s going to reflect what they’re willing and able to do on their operation.”

OFRF, TOPP, and Your Path to Engaging Federal Programs

Whether you’re considering transitioning to organic or are in the final stages of the certification process, resources are available to support your transition. At the Organic Farming Research Foundation, we are dedicated to supporting growers in improving and expanding the widespread adoption of organic farming systems. 

One way we do this is through our work with TOPP, the Transition to Organic Partnership Program—a network developed by the USDA’s National Organic Program to support transitioning and organic producers with mentorship and resources. OFRF has created resources to help producers navigate and access the specific USDA technical assistance and funding support programs available to help transition to an organic system of production.

Access OFRF’s Free TOPP Resources

By |2024-12-05T19:53:05+00:00December 5th, 2024|News, TOPP West|

Agricultural Runoff: Organic Practices as a Method for Marine Conservation

Gordon’s Policy Corner has a guest author this month! This blog post was written by our Fall 2024 Policy and Communications Intern, Jazea Kalea Smith.

Being a Religious Studies major and an Oceanography minor, one might say that I’m a bit of an untraditional intern for OFRF. Besides a passion for being outdoors and a dream of running off to become a farmer I’ve harbored since I was 14, I generally live and work on the ocean side of conservation and food production. I’m happy to report that my time with OFRF, although brief, has ignited a flame in me to broaden my understanding of food systems both on land and at sea within my future academic and professional career. However, today I write from that foundational marine science perspective as we explore just how detrimental conventional agricultural runoff is for ocean health and resource viability.

Shrimp boat along the North Carolina shoreline in the light of the setting sun.

A shrimp boat drifts along the North Carolina shoreline.

This article seeks to provide context for why the continued use of conventional farming practices are unsustainable for the health of marine ecosystems, with an emphasis on fisheries. We first define what runoff is, and what its impacts are on water quality. Next, marine and estuarine systems impacts are described in depth, including the largest “dead zone” in the U.S. Then, the impacts of pesticide, herbicide, and bacterial contamination on marine life, human illness, and decrease in support for shellfish aquaculture operations. After focusing on the widespread effects, a background on the regulatory bodies and monitoring projects related to agricultural operations is provided, as well as a brief exploration of the EPA’s role. In conclusion, this blog highlights how and why organic practices inherently improve upon this crucial issue. 

What is runoff? 

Agricultural “runoff,” a type of nonpoint source pollution, refers to irrigation and rainfall originating on agricultural land that makes its way outside of the bounds of a farm site. This runoff can carry nutrients, bacteria from livestock manure, and other chemicals from poorly managed land into downstream lakes, rivers, estuaries, and coastal areas. Survey efforts, including the National Water Quality Assessment, have demonstrated that runoff from agricultural operations is the leading source of impacted water quality in the United States. Both artificial chemicals and unnatural levels of naturally occurring chemical compounds infiltrate our water supplies and can lead to devastating human health consequences. Although more research is urgently needed, there is a documented correlation between pediatric cancer rates and high levels of nitrate and the herbicide Atrazine in drinking water. Approximately 13 million households in this country are supplied with water by private wells, which are at a higher risk of contamination than public systems often are. Furthermore, runoff destabilizes soil integrity, causing destructive erosion and decreasing soil compositional health.

U.S. Geological Survey

What are the effects of runoff on marine and estuarine systems?

Twenty-one percent of the coastal waters in the U.S. contain excess levels of nutrients, and more than 80% of marine ecosystem pollution originates on land. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the primary nutrients contained in runoff, and the result of excess concentrations in marine and estuarine environments is hypoxia: oxygen concentrations of less than 2 milligrams per liter. Affected areas are commonly referred to as “dead zones,” because the overproduction and subsequent decomposition of algae decreases dissolved oxygen levels to the point where very few organisms can survive. Fish that have been subjected to hypoxia exposure additionally demonstrate abnormal behavior, lower reproduction and growth rates, a shift in the dynamics of the food web, and a decrease of overall resilience. The loss of planktonic fish eggs to hypoxic waters impacts vulnerable population numbers, often previously devastated by overfishing practices. A highly relevant example of this reaction is the Chesapeake Bay, the largest, and one of the most polluted, estuaries in the United States. The historical average (based on conditions between 1985-2023) of hypoxic waters in the Bay is 2.3-7.9 [km3]. To put this area into perspective, 1 km3 of water is the equivalent of 400,000 Olympic swimming pools! Agricultural runoff is the number one source of excess nitrogen flow into the Chesapeake, contributing 48% of the total load. 

What is a major U.S. example of a “dead zone” and its widespread impacts?

The largest dead zone in the United States runs along the coast of eastern Texas and all of Louisiana, with a staggering 6,705 square miles of hypoxic waters recorded in the summer of 2024. Runoff from farms throughout the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin, which comprises 31 states and two Canadian provinces, empties into the Gulf more than 70% of the excess nitrogen load and more than 80% of the phosphorus load. Not only does runoff play a role in impacting healthy waters and biodiversity, but it’s estimated that the Gulf of Mexico dead zone has led to economic losses of approximately $2.4 billion annually since 1980. These losses largely stem from the increasing lack of viability of shrimp fisheries, most prominently brown shrimp, as well as the Atlantic croaker and oyster fisheries. Economic hardship for commercial fishers paired with deprivation of Cultural ecosystem services (CES), the intangible benefits garnered from living and working with industries dependent on interaction with ecosystems, have the potential to devastate livelihoods. These services are understudied yet often indispensable to the health of the affected communities. 

How does pesticide, herbicide, and bacterial contamination affect marine life?

In addition to the widespread effects of fertilizer over-application, the USGS estimates that 500,000 tons of pesticides are applied to U.S. crop fields annually. Chlorpyrifos are a widely applied organophosphate pesticide that is highly toxic to most marine and freshwater organisms. Further, the most commonly used herbicide in conventional agriculture worldwide is glyphosate, which has been directly linked to alterations in foraging, predator evasion, and mating behavior in aquatic species. These changes compromise the ability of aquatic organisms to survive and reproduce, and a rise in ocean temperatures correlated with global climate change also poses significant future risk—under higher temperatures, static concentrations of glyphosate-based formulations’ and chlorpyrifos’ toxicity and lethal potential for marine life grows. 

Finally, research shows that bacterial contamination derived from the application of uncomposted, raw manure slurry as a fertilizer and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) pose a risk to marine life and aquatic organisms broadly. Manure is generally considered an organic fertilizer, depending on its source, and is used on certified organic farms in conjunction with other soil conservation techniques designed to minimize runoff and stabilize soil. It’s been determined that 30% of surface-applied manure on conventionally cultivated corn fields (the most planted U.S. crop by acreage) is never incorporated, resulting in lower nutrient retention and economic losses. 16.3% of corn fields are treated with manure fertilizer. Incorporation of manure into the soil, a more commonly used organic farming practice, has been examined in recent studies and was shown to decrease runoff potential, preventing manure-borne pathogens such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Vibrio from entering greater watershed areas.

How can contamination cause human illness and hurt sustainable aquaculture efforts?

Exposure to these pathogens in marine bivalves (planktonic filter-feeders) can increase the hazards of human consumption of raw shellfish, potentially reducing demand for farmed shellfish. Oyster, clam, and mussel farms are being adopted as a solution to eutrophication (high nutrient influx and subsequent algal blooms), so public acceptance and confidence in farmed shellfish is more critical than ever. Regarding fisheries broadly, bioaccumulation, the process by which chemicals such as those in pesticides and herbicides build up in organisms when they cannot be metabolized or excreted faster than they are taken in, can lead to obesity, cancer, endocrine disruption, and more in human consumers.

How is agricultural runoff monitored and regulated in the U.S.? 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the primary federal agency that facilitates water quality monitoring and protection, and provides funding for numerous long-term research projects. The EPA collaborates with and supports many federal, state, and regional departments that support water quality assessments. At the federal level, highly involved agencies include the United States Geological Survey (facilitator of the National Water Quality Program), the  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Office for Coastal Management, and the United States Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA NRCS). 

Section 319 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) created the Nonpoint Source Management Program, providing grants to U.S. states and territories for the purpose of increasing regional involvement in runoff mitigation. $178 million was appropriated in 2022 for this program, funneled towards resources such as public educational programing, technical and financial aid, demonstration projects, and monitoring. 22,500 watershed projects have been funded under Section 319 since 2000, successfully improving water quality across the country. Additionally, the National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program (NNPSMP) was established under Section 319, and is intended to provide proof of the viability of nonpoint source control methods.

What is the “Total Maximum Daily Load” and how is it achieved?

Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) limits are required by the CWA in impaired watersheds, subject to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulations (which specifically address point source pollution), set by each state, and confirmed by the EPA. TMDLs must factor in seasonal variability and build in a “margin of safety.” They are designed to ensure that waterways meet water quality standards for toxic pollutants. In 2014, the Chesapeake Bay TMDL was set at a limit of 12.5 million pounds of phosphorus, 185.9 million pounds of nitrogen, and 6.45 billion pounds of sediment annually entering the estuary. In comparison to 2009, these limits represent a 25% nitrogen decrease, 24% phosphorus decrease, and 20% sediment influx decrease. To reach these reductions, nutrient management planning is a mandatory step in the large farm permitting process in many states, including Maryland, Vermont, California, and Washington. In order for production to legally commence on any operation in these states, a plan with a detailed layout of the status of the land (including soil tests) and records of nutrient application timing must annually be submitted to the state.

Research has found that there are Best Management Practices (BMPs) that can mitigate pollution, like cover cropping and forest buffers, and are sometimes prescribed by state agencies and regional organizations to reach TMDL restrictions. Organic practices oftentimes align with BMPs, and are being increasingly adopted by farmers, largely with the assistance of incentive programs; 39% of farmland in Pennsylvania’s Chesapeake watershed implemented cover cropping between 2016 and 2021, versus 5% of the broader U.S. Runoff forecasts have also been identified as a crucial aid to farming operations, allowing farmers to make informed decisions about when to apply inputs to avoid storm events. Check out these interactive maps from NOAA on runoff risk in 5 U.S. states.

Why do the harmful effects of runoff continue to increase?

NOAA has set a goal to reduce the 5-year average extent of the Gulf of Mexico dead zone down to 1,900 square miles by 2035, and to bring nutrient runoff down 20% by 2025. However, despite successful efforts to increase compliance, the levels of runoff have not decreased significantly in the wake of the setting of these deadlines; in contrast, between 2012 and 2022, the underground drainage tube network has increased by 9.5% and hog production increased 12%. Between 2016 and 2020, combined synthetic fertilizer sales in Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Minnesota increased by 10.6%. From the climate change perspective, spring storm frequency in the Midwest is climbing, allowing less time for pesticide and fertilizer application to absorb before entering drainage pathways. 

NOAA’s Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program is a joint effort with the EPA to support states with guidance on management practices for addressing runoff from five nonpoint sources, of which agriculture is one. Management measures to be applied by states (required under the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990) include erosion prevention tactics such as conservation tillage. The application of pesticides that are the “most environmentally benign” and 3-year cycle nutrient management plans are additional mandatory measures. Cover cropping, green manure incorporation, and crop rotations are non-required but recommended management practices under the CZARA. As the aforementioned research tells us, the most prevalent pesticides in the U.S. today carry a wide variety of environmental and human health dangers. Runoff risk is on the rise with increasing toxicity of many of the commonly found chemicals, even if overall American usage may be declining.

Enforcement success has been plagued by the simple fact that many of these departments are spread thin. Within the Chesapeake Bay watershed, the Maryland Department of the Environment only employed three people who were assigned to conduct in-person inspections at poultry operations. Nutrient management plans of 5,000 farms in the state were monitored by nine Maryland Department of Agriculture employees. This is seemingly the case for many agencies throughout the country. Given the sheer number of farms and CAFOs in the U.S., enforcement can be seen as a challenging logistical endeavor and largely the product of limited departmental funding.

How does organic agriculture support marine conservation and ecosystem health?

Ingrained within the organic farming methodology are many courses of action for reducing agricultural runoff through rebuilding soil health. Practices that are in line with organic systems such as crop rotation and cover cropping have been shown to lead to increased nitrogen availability and soil stabilization. No-till and conservation till methods protect soil integrity and are associated with lower risks of runoff. However, they are a major challenge for organic farmers. In some cases, runoff risk may be lessened on organic farms still using tillage when combined with cover cropping and compost application, by growing active soil organic carbon concentrations. Although organic farmers can utilize nutrient-dense inputs like chicken litter or composted manure to maximize crop yield and quality of product, standard practices allow for operations to infrequently rely on fertilizers alone. Use of “green manure,” often legume plants that are grown and incorporated into fields, can significantly increase nitrogen availability for the primary crop. 

The most fundamental practice associated with organic farming is a clear solution to runoff-caused marine ecosystem damage: the strict prohibition of chemical pesticide and herbicide application. The evidence that these chemicals are invading human and animal communities is strong, and the correlation between exposure to many of the commonly utilized conventional products and illness is well-studied. Reframing this issue as an environmental injustice is critically important to fully convey the human impacts of chemical usage: BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities are disproportionately impacted by exposure to environmental pollutants. Organic systems are more aligned with TEK (Traditional Ecological Knowledge) by emphasizing comprehensive understanding of the landscape and natural processes that can be utilized for sustainable production.

Organic farming is a sustainable farming method that is constantly evolving and improving, and is consistent with the goals of decreasing runoff and protecting both marine environments and human communities. Because we face these issues alongside a rapidly changing climate, acting as stewards of ocean biodiversity is more essential than ever; advocacy for organic agriculture can truly be interpreted as a serious climate and coastal pollution mitigation tactic. 

If you want to learn more about the impact of agricultural runoff on the two largest estuaries in the United States, watch this PBS Frontline documentary on coastal pollution in the Puget Sound and Chesapeake Bay.

If you want to get active in helping OFRF advocate for expanded technical and financial services for organic producers, and the research programs that inform them, please reach out! 

As Gordon says, eat well and breathe deep,


By |2024-12-24T16:57:17+00:00December 5th, 2024|Gordon's Policy Corner, News|

Advancing Organic Agriculture: Sharing Fire Blight Research with Rep. DeLauro’s Office

Written by guest author Dr. Quan Zeng, Plant Pathologist, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

Recently, I had the opportunity to join Gordon Merrick, Senior Policy & Programs Manager at the Organic Farming Research Foundation, in a meeting with staff from Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro’s office, the ranking member of the House Appropriations Committee. I was proud to be able to share my research on organic methods of fighting fire blight, a devastating bacterial disease that affects apple and pear orchards, to help illustrate how federal research funding is vital for both organic and conventional agriculture systems. 

Researcher Quan Zeng standing in front of a brick wall, wearing black-rimmed glasses and smiling at the cameraAs a plant pathologist, my work focuses on bacterial plant pathogens, specifically Erwinia amylovora, the cause of fire blight. This disease poses a serious threat to apple and pear production in the United States. It primarily spreads through flowers and shoots, and can even be transported throughout the tree through their xylem, which generally results in death of the tree. This can lead to orchard-wide epidemics, already resulting in over $100 million of economic damage annually. Climate change has brought its own complications to this disease, with its warming temperatures and wetter weather.

Organic producers face an even greater challenge, as they cannot use antibiotics like streptomycin after they were banned in organic production in 2014 due to concerns of antibiotic resistance and ecological impact. While this shift was necessary to protect the effectiveness of commercially important antibiotics, it created a pressing need for alternative methods of control. Through projects awarded funding through the Organic Research and Extension Initiative (OREI), I have been collaborating with researchers and growers to develop organic-compliant strategies to manage fire blight. 

fire blight affects the leaves of an apple tree causing browning and curlingOne promising solution involves using a naturally occurring yeast, Aureobasidium pullulans, to protect apple flowers by inducing the plant’s natural defenses. This biologically-based control method has shown effectiveness comparable to antibiotics for controlling fire blight, though there are some complications relating to fruit russeting, a purely cosmetic issue, from treated blooms.

To refine and improve these control methods, my team is working with six organic orchards across Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, and Rhode Island. Together, we’re testing new yeast strains and integrated management strategies to maximize disease control while minimizing side effects like russeting. This hands-on collaboration with farmers is a central pillar of OREI and is critical to developing successful, practical, and impactful solutions. 

The progress we’ve made in controlling fire blight would not be possible without support from USDA research programs like OREI and the Organic Transitions Program (ORG). These programs provide essential funding for research that studies the issues and extension efforts to operationalize the research, ultimately helping all growers address complex challenges like fire blight. Although organic farmers cannot use antibiotics, many conventional operations are also facing the reality of antibiotic resistance and are increasingly turning to organic controls like my research. 

During our meeting with Rep. DeLauro’s staff, I was inspired by the Congresswoman’s commitment to advancing agricultural research. She understands that investing in science is key to improving agricultural sustainability and productivity. Her support and advocacy for programs like OREI and ORG are crucial to allow research and extension programs to continue to answer farmers’ questions and support their operations with sound science

I am excited to be able to collaborate with the Organic Farming Research Foundation in meeting with Rep. DeLauro’s office to talk about these important issues. Collaborations like this, between researchers, policymakers, and organizations, are essential to addressing the challenges facing our food systems. By ensuring continued investment in research, we can equip farmers with the tools they need to protect their orchards, feed their communities, and sustain their livelihoods.

Use Your Voice

Interested in sharing your research with legislators and advocating for continued investment in organic research? Watch a recording of OFRF’s free workshop, Communicating with Legislators. This educational workshop is designed to equip researchers within the organic farming community with the tools and resources they need to effectively engage with and educate policymakers about the impact of their work.

Watch Recording

By |2024-12-06T19:02:47+00:00December 4th, 2024|News|
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